Nether portal

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I looked at my brother in fear of what he's become....a s-shadow knight.

"So this is what you've done over the years you left us?"I asked trying to hold back tears.

"Y-Y/N I'm sorry..."Zenix said.I felt something go through my heart.I looked down to see an arrow.Everyone was still staring at Zenix so I took my chance,I ran thought the forest holding my heart while sobbing softly.Seeing what my brother's turn into and leaving me with mom and worse than this arrow through my heart.I heart thumping noises coming near me causing me to run faster.I saw in a clearing of the forest a large, lake I jumped over it and realized where I was...the cursed forest.I walked around knowing this was the end of sleeping survival.I rested my back against a tree and closing my eyes.I had accepted this is how fate chose my end.I suddenly feel my locket shaking and the three ghost appeared.

"Child...dont go to sleep"One said.

"Isint this the way I was supposed to end?"I asked still holding my heart that started to hurt.

"No worries you will be saved.."Said another one,they went back into the locket and I stood up.

"whoever this person is,I have to get away from them"I said to myself as I tried to run but made my heart hurt more,I groaned slightly of pain and kept moving.I heard footsteps coming near,I turned around to see a man with no shirt only a jacket and he was covering his face.

"S-Stay a-away!"I yelled.

"I'm here to help you"He said.

"I don't want to be helped,let me die here"I said backing up.

"There's not much of a choice"He said as he pointed behind him showing Zenix,Garroth,Dante and Laurance catching up.He turned around for a second and I fled I ran though the trees only to be stopped by a man with a beard a red suit and sweat.

"W-w-w-water"He pleaded.I got my last bottle of apple-sauce(u hate me now do u >:) )

"It's not water but here"I said giving it to him.

"WHEW THAT HIT THE SPOT!"He yelled.I jumped by his sudden reaction and just stared.

"NAMES CHAD AUGISTINE THE 3RD!(I forgot his name)"Chad yelled.He got so close to my face I could feel his breath on my face.

"My names Y/N nice to meet you!"I said as I smiled.I heard running through the forest as my smile faded.I grabbed Chad's hand ,ran behind a tree and covered his mouth.

"Shhhh"I said as I laid my finger on my lip.I pointed to the noise,he simply nodded and kept quiet.

"I heard her"Said Zenix looking around.


"I just turned around for a second"He said,I believe his name is Aaron.

"We have no time!Y/N could be anywhere in these woods"Garroth yelled at the two.

"I agree with Garroth"Laurance said.

"C'mon Chad!"I yelled as I continued to run with Chad's hand in mine.I heard running behind us and ran faster.

"Y/N STOP!"Zenix yelled.

"Chad hold on"I said as he held my hand tighter.I jumped on to a tree and kept jumping tree-to-tree.I stayed still until they past us.

"You alright Chad?"I asked.


"Thanks Chad!Although we should lead them back to Phoenix Drop"I said as I examined the forest.

"OH I KNOW!"Chad yelled he grabbed my hand and jumped down.I heard them running towards us and Chad kept running to Phoenix Drop,when we were at the outskirts of the gate he pulled me aside to a tree.They got there and looked around confused.I tried to hold in laughter as he did too.They decided to search the town.When they left I burst out laughing.

"Their faces were priceless!"I said between laughter.We soon got to talk and I learned he was a inventor.And liked to study...A LOT!

"so you're a runaway?"Chad asked.

"Yeah..."I said as I put my head down.I started fighting back tears remembering Zenix and my parents.Chad noticed and pleaded for forgiveness and I just laughed.

"It's okay Chad"I said between laughter.I heard a twig snap and turned around to see Zenix.


"y/n I'm sorry....I left all those years ago"Zenix said.

"Do you think I'll forgive you?!DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MICH PAIN IVE BEEN THROUGH AND WISHED YOU WERE BY MY SIDE!"I yelled.I forgot about the arrow and pulled it out of my chest.

"Y/N--"Zenix said in a panicked tone.

""I ordered.He came up to me and I backed away,I felt someone grab me from behind carrying me bridal style.It was the man from before,I felt myself against his bare chest which caused me to blush.Zenix growled as Chad just stared at the two guys.
Okay now that the chapter is out of the way.I still want to ask y'all do y'all want 20 facts about me or a face reveal(plz no I look like shreck)

ALSO!!Please beg suppernerdpuppy  to write a book cuz she's mah friend and I love the stories she does at school so please beg her,even raise pitchforks with fire if you have to.
        950 words Wooooo only 50more until 1,000!

AaronxGarrothxLaurancexDantexGenexZanexReaderWhere stories live. Discover now