Secret Crush

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     Logan couldn't sleep that night. He kept thinking about one girl. One girl that won his heart. Brianna. Would James let him at least hang out with her? Hopefully he would. James did admit he was going to be a little over protected about Brianna because she was like a little sister to him. "Face it Logan, you're falling for Brianna." Logan said to the ceiling. It was like everywhere he looked, Logan saw Brianna. "She's beautiful." Logan whispered to himself. "Logan?" Brianna asked. "Yeah Bri?" Logan asked. "I love you." Brianna said. "I love you too." Logan said. They started to lean in. There was an alarming sound, the sound of an alarm clock. Logan turned over and saw the clock say it was 10am. "So close to kissing her." Logan said and got out of bed. "Okay, this is what I'll do. I'll ask James if I can hang out with her this Friday and if he says no... Ummmm... Beg! Yeah, I'll beg to him!" Logan said to himself. He made himself some breakfast and started to eat. The more he thought about Brianna, the more he fell for her. Logan looked at the time and saw it was time to go to Kendall's house. Kendall and him had to write a song for another album.

~*~Kendall's House~*~

     They finished writing the song and decided just to hang out for a bit. "Have you met Brianna yet?" Kendall asked. "Yeah why?" Logan asked. "Just wondering. She's a really great girl to hang out with." Kendall said. "I hardly got too." Logan said. "Really?" Kendall asked surprised. "Yeah. I'm planning on asking her if she wants to hang out." Logan said. "You know that you have to ask James about that." Kendall said. "That's why in case he doesn't say yes, then I'll beg him to death until he does say yes." Logan said. "Good luck with that." Kendall said. "Thanks, I'll need it." Logan said. Logan started thinking about Brianna. "You're falling for her aren't you?" Kendall asked. "Yelp!" Logan said. Logan looked at the time and saw that it was time for him to go home. "Shoot I gotta go! Bye Kendall." Logan said. "Bye!" Kendall said and Logan left.

     James and Brianna went to the fair. "Oh my gosh! That was so much fun!" Brianna said laughing. "I know! Oh Ferris Wheel! Come on!" James said and dragged Brianna in line with him. "Do you even remember I have a fear of heights!?" Brianna asked getting a little scared now. "Everything will be alright." James said. "I really hope so!" Brianna said. They were next on the Ferris Wheel. James and Brianna took their seats. Brianna had a death grip on the bar. James tried to get Brianna to calm down, but that failed. Then James started rocking the seat back and forth. "Stop! Stop! Stop!! Please stop it James!!" Brianna said. "Fine!" James said. "Thank you." Brianna said and sighed. "After this are you ready to head home?" James asked as he put his arm around Brianna's shoulder. "Sure." Brianna agreed. The Ferris Wheel stopped when James and Brianna were at the top. "This is a really nice veiw." Brianna said and leaned her head on James's shoulder. "Yeah, it is." James said. Soon the Ferris Wheel started back up and they got off.

     "I had a great time JJ." Brianna said as they got tin the car. "I did to Bri." James said and they headed home. There was a long silence until they got home. "I'm going to bed okay?" Brianna said entering the house. "Thats fine. Night Bri." James said. "Night JJ." Brianna said and went upstairs. James got a text from Logan.

~*~Text Convo~*~

L: Hey James

J: Hey Logan

L: What's up?

J: Just got back from the fair with Bri. She hasn't been there in years so I decided to take her there for old time sake. :)

L: Cool...

J: Is something wrong man?

L: Umm... I REALLY need to ask you this!

J: What is it?

L: Okay, umm... Is it alright with you if I hang out with Bri for a day?

J: Ummm... I'm leaving that up to Bri. You can ask her tomorrow cuz she's sleeping right now.

L: Okay thanks man!!

J: Does someone have a crush on my friend?! ;)

L: I ain't saying anything! Bye

J: Bye!

~*~End of Text Convo~*~

     James put his phone away and got ready for bed. "Logan better not mess this up for Brianna because her heart is really easy to break." James said to himself before he went to bed, thinking about his secret crush Brianna.

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