Friends Reunit

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~*~Text Convo~*~

E: GUESS WHAT??????????

B: Wha?


B: OMG!!!!!! REALLY?!??!?!!?



~*~End of Text Convo~*~

     "James! James!" Brianna said as she ran through the house trying to find James. "What?" James asked. "EMILY IS COMING OVER TO LA!!!!" Brianna shouted in excitement. "Really?!" James asked as he got excited. "Yes!! Come on we HAVE to get to the airport! Wait! We need Kendall!" Brianna said. "Why do we need Kendall?" James asked. "Emily has a huge crush on the boy, now come on!" Brianna said and they left to get Kendall.

~*~At the airport~*~

     Emily was sitting, listening to her music. She looked out the window and saw the sun setting. It looked really beautiful. "Look for a sign that says EMILY!!!" A text read from Brianna. "kk." Emily texted back. "We are now starting to decline." The pilot said. Emily put away her music and was ready for a big bear hug from Brianna and James.


     "Emily!" Brianna shouted across the lunch room. Brianna came with a new kid. "Hey Bri. Who's the new kid?" Emily asked. "Oh, this is James. James this is Emily." Brianna said. "Hi." James said. "Hello James." Emily said and smiled. As Brianna and James sat down, they begun to talk and talk. Soon the bell for 7th period rung and it was time for class. They said their goodbyes' and went to class.

~*~End of Flashback~*~

     Emily was walking around the airport trying to find the sign. Soon she saw the sign and walked over to it. "EMILY!" Brianna and James shouted in excitement. Kendall was waving, trying to get Emily's attention. "BRI! JJ!" Emily shouted back and ran towards them. Kendall smiled and waited until Emily was free. "We are going to get your bags. While we're gone, you can talk to Kendall," Brianna said as she and James ran to the baggage claim area. "Um, Hi Emily." Kendall said. "Hi Kendall." Emily said shyly. She was trying not to fangirl. "So, how was the flight?" Kendall asked, not knowing what to say. "It was pretty good, except for the big fat man beside me that kept asking me, 'Do you like me?'" Emily laughed. Kendal laughed too. "I know how that is. One time I was on this flight to New York and this, I guess he was crazy or something like that, but anyway, he kept asking me, 'Will you go out with me?'" Kendall laughed. "Oh my gosh!" Emily laughed.

     Meanwhile, at the baggage claim area, James and Brianna were waiting for Emily's bags to come out. "Do you actually like Logan?" James asked. "Yes, I do. He makes me happy and you know I haven't had a relationship in a long time." Brianna said. "I know, it's just that when I told you that I liked you for so long that, it took a lot of courage to say that to you, but if he ever, and I mean EVER, breaks your heart, he is a dead man. No one hurts my buddy." James said as he hugged Brianna. "Awww thanks JJ." Brianna smiled and blushed a little. Thankfully James didn't notice her blushing. "There's her bags." James said as he got up and grabbed them. Brianna and James walked back to where Kendall and Emily were and saw them laughing. Brianna smiled. She knew this would be a great start of a relationship between Kendall and Emily. "Ummmm, I was just wondering this, but do you want to go and hang out sometime?" Kendall asked nervously. "Sure, that would be nice." Emily said. Kendall's eyes lit up. "Awesome." Kendall said and smiled. "Awww..." Brianna and James said together. Emily and Kendall both blushed. "Ready to go?" Brianna asked. "I guess." Emily smiled. They all started walking out of the airport. "Kendall asked you out, Kendall asked you out." Brianna chanted. Emily covered her mouth as Brianna still chanted. "If you don't shut up, I'll hurt you." Emily said. Brianna stopped and chuckled a little. "I said shut up..." Emily said. "Okay, okay. I'll be quiet..." Brianna said. "Good." Emily said. They finally got to the car. James dropped off Kendall then left for his house.

     Brianna showed Emily to her room while James carried Emily's bags. "And here is your room." Brianna said. "Nice." Emily said as she sat on her bed. James sat her bags down by her bed. "Bri, can you help me put away my stuff?" Emily asked. "Sure." Brianna said and helped Emily with her stuff. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." James said and went downstairs. "KK." Brianna said as she hung a dress up. "I still can't believe you're dating Logan..." Emily said. "I can barely believe it either." Brianna said. "You know James has a crush on you." Emily said. "I know, but..." Brianna said and looked down. "But what?" Emily said and came to her side. "I'm confused!" Brianna said. "About what? Whether you like Logan or James?" Emily asked. "Yes!" Brianna said. "James was your favorite then Logan was your second favorite. You loved James because he was your friend and you barely knew Logan." Emily said. "True, but once I started dating Logan... I could see James had jealousy in his eyes every time I would bring up Logan." Brianna said. "James probably doesn't want to see you get hurt again, especially after what John did to you in the 10th grade." Emily said. "I told you not to bring that idiot up again!" Brianna exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but I had too!" Emily said as she put away the last piece of her clothing away. "Ugh!" Brianna said. "When the time comes, you'll make the right choice." Emily said. "This is what I get for giving you so much advice on dating when I barely dated anyone myself! I get my advice back!" Brianna chuckled. "What goes around, comes around!" Emily laughed and so did Brianna. "Now I remember why we were always friends..." Emily said. "Because I'm the weirdo and you're the brainy one and James is the muscular one." Brianna said. "Yep!" Emily said and they both laughed. The two girls talked and talked about old times and what Brianna missed after she moved to LA. 

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