nine .

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After a few hours of being locked in a room by myself with no way out for accidentally calling Dallon by his real name, someone unlocked the door.

"Mikey? You in here- Oh, hi." It was a smol boy with some very red hair.


"Why are you in here? Who are you?"

"I'm Ryan..but everyone here's calling me Slagathore or some shit."

"I'm Gerard. They call me Fishnets. Don't ask."

"O-ok..wait..doesn't Mikey wear fishnets?"

"Yes. It has to do with a little..incident that involved him, to say the least."

"Well..why were you looking for him?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"I gotta talk to him. He gave me STDs," Gerard said, seeming as if this wasn't even the first time.

"Oh. Well you two kinda look alike.."

"Yes. We're brothers." Gerard stated.

Okay. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

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