Chapter 5: Dance With Me

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Jamie's POV

I walked into STAR Labs, my eyes drooping from how tired i was. I was still exhausted from all the training Barry and I did, and coming to terms with being a meta wasn't very easy.

I fell into a chair in the cortex, Cisco being the only other person in the room.

"You okay?" He asked, looking at me with concern. 

I groaned, rolling onto the floor. Cisco stood to his feet, and knelt next to me. He raised an eyebrow as i rolled over and grabbed his leg.

"I'm tired Ciscooooo." I whined, burying my face into his shin. He just laughed, standing to his feet and holding out a hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand and he lifted me to my feet.

"We could go see a movie later tonight. You need relaxation." He laughed, slinging an arm across my shoulders. I turned my head, grinning up at him and nodding. 

"Do you by any chance have a Dr. Pepper in that mini fridge of yours?" I pointed to a small black mini fridge in the corner, covered in stickers, quotes in white marker, and comic book pages.

Cisco nodded, walking over and grabbing a can of the amazing soda from the fridge and handing it to me. I grinned, mouthed a thank you, then popped it open and swallowed a gulp.

"Oh! I completed your suit." Cisco grinned, smirking at me. He ran to the entrance of the cortex and held out his hand. 

"Well come along me lady. Will you join me on thy great adventure?" He said, mocking a medieval accent. I giggled before running around the computers and taking Cisco's hand. He ran down the hallway, with me obviously being able to keep up.

We ran into his little engineer room to see the most bad ass suit ever. The black suit was form fitting to the model, with electric blue lightning bolts running up the arms and legs, fading into black towards the elbows and knees. The mask wasn't attached to the actual suit, but was more like a masquerade mask. It was black, with electric blue spikes that feathered out from the outer ends of the eyes. And then there was the cloak

The outside of the cloak was a bright electric blue, with black lightning bolts that were from the bottom, which touches the floor, and faded away towards the middle of my back. The inside was jet black.

I grinned, using my speed to try on the suit. It hugged my curves perfectly, accentuating every good aspect of my body. The cloak's hood covered my eyes, but i could still see out. I stomped once, the heel off my boot letting out a satisfying thud on the tile floor.  

"I went for a more mysterious look for you Jammie. You like to be sneaky." Cisco laughed, pulling the hood off my head. 

"Cisco, I cant thank you enough for this. For all you've done for me." I threw my arms around my friends neck, a smile forming on my lips.

Cisco's POV

I eagerly accepted Jammie's hug, burying my face into her shoulder. 

"It's no problem." I mumbled, cherishing the hug we shared.

We stood there for 5 minutes in comfortable silence, just holding each other. I loved having her so close to me. It was like cloud 9. Perfection.

'I love you Ms. LaRose.' I thought, breathing in her sent softly. She smelt of juniper and vanilla.

I felt her lean into me, her body coming more into contact with mine. She started to sway, and i followed suit. Soon, i had music playing over my speakers,and she and i were slow dancing.

I spun her around, and her cloak flowed with her. She giggled, smiling up at me. I just wanted to kiss her, to keep her this close to me. 

As we were spinning and dancing, i didn't spot Barry and Caitlin peaking in, and grinning at us. 

"You guys are just so cute." Barry said, walking in. Caitlin turned and walked away, not without laughing at Barry's comment. I immediately stepped back from Jammie. She looked kind of surprised, and hurt, at my action. 

"You did an amazing job on Jammie's suit Cisco." Barry said, circling her. 

"Thanks man." I grinned towards Barry.

"I was gonna go get some coffee from Jitter's. You guys wanna come?" Barry asked, walking to the door.

"Hell yeah!" Jammie cheered, changing out of her suit into her outfit. She wore a short black dress, navy blue converse, a pair of fall out boy earrings, and a dark blue bandanna which she used as a headband. 

"Lets go!" Jammie cheered, grabbing both Barry and my hand and skipping out. We walked to Jitter's, Jammie still skipping, but, she let go of our hands. 

When we entered Jitter's, she immediately walked into line. I stood behind her, with Barry beside me.

I didnt realize it, but i ended up mumbling, "She's beautiful." 

"Who Cisco?" Barry asked me.

"Oh, i said that out loud! Hehehe..." I looked down, messing with my hands.

"Cisco you can tell me. Come on, we're best friends." Barry said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I pulled him down a bit more so i could whisper.

"I am 95.5% sure I'm in love with Jammie." I mumbled. 

"I knew it." Barry laughed, and we both turned around to face Jamie, who was talking with the cashier. He was making witty remarks and she was laughing. 

"Here's my number. Maybe we could go see a movie sometime?" He said, handing her a slip of paper and her cup of tea. 

"I will definitely take you up on that offer. " Jammie smiled, taking the paper and tea, before sitting down at a table. 

"I'm gonna go sit down, i'm not that thirsty." I told Barry, as i turned and went to the table.

"What was that?" I asked as i sat next to Jammie. She was adding the guys name into her phone.


"Oh. He said we should go see a movie. He's really funny." She gleamed down at her phone. 

"Oh. Okay." I mumbled. I was kind of hurt. I thought, maybe, she liked me. Probably not.

Poor Cisco. COME ON JAMMIE! HE LOVES YOU! Anyways, before i scream at story anymore, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Phonix Out!~

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