Chapter 11: Ridiculous Sentiments

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Cisco's POV

I sprinted back into the cortex, my eyes wide in complete horror. I slipped a few times in my sprint, but I didn't care. I didn't matter in that moment. 

Doctor Harrison Wells, my mentor, one of the people I was closest too, was the Man in Yellow. The Reverse Flash. He had been using my friends and I for his selfish gain, and now, he could destroy any one of us if we didn't have our guards up.  And the fact that a specific speedster still laid in a coma in the cortex had me in complete panic.  

I slid around the corner, every fiber of my being on alert. I had to grab the wall to slow myself. 

'Jammie please be there. Please be there!'

As soon as my eyes landed on her, I felt my body loosen. I rushed over, sitting in my chair and taking her hand.

"Jammie. Oh god, how do I explain this when you wake up."

My speech was frantic and my breathing heavy. I felt my hand tighten around the sleeping speedsters involuntarily. The sound of wind and flying papers had my head up in an instant.

Oh god.

Harrison Wells STOOD in the doorway, watching me with a glare. I instantly pushed myself in front of Jammie's bed, keeping my hand clasped in hers. I had no way of contacting Barry or Caitlin, so I just stood there, keeping my eyes locked on the man who had called us all so much harm. 

"Back away Cisco." 

Those words sent shivers around my body, causing me too shake even more than I thought possible. Everything I'd seen, him killing me, not here, but still killing me, flashing through my head. I didn't understand how, but I saw it. 

And now, he was stalking towards us, with the full intent of taking Jammie.


The words hung from my voice, dripping like venom and malice. 

"I wouldn't say that Cisco."

"Why not?"

My confidence was rising, the anger of him being a fraud and trying to take Jammie boiling in my mind. My hand formed a fist, and I snarled under my breath in warning. 

"You are smart Cisco, I would have expected you to figure out sooner."

"Well I'm sorry that I didn't expect one of the few men I trusted to be a lie and murderer." I snapped back.

"I wont drag on much longer. I need Jasmine."

I backed into Jammie's hospital bed instantly, throwing one of my arms out.

"No way in hell."

"You see, the only way I can return home is if I use her speed. I'll be out of your lives. Barry can save his mother, I get to go home. It's a win win."

"But what happens to Jammie? You obviously see she's still in a coma."

The next words he said will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"You see, I had initially intended to become a father figure to both Barry and Jasmine, mentoring them. Then eventually using them to return to my time. But, you jumped in the way. If I had the needed time with Jasmine like I was supposed to, I could convince her to let me use her speed with out complication. She is just that selfless. But now, you took up her time. You feel for her. You blocked her off from me, and now, I'll have to take her speed by force."

My heart thundered in my chest, almost falling on the bed when he moved closer.

"Who do I need to kill to make you comply? Dr. Snow, Barry, Your entire family? Or do I just kill her now and take her speed without resistance? Did I forget to mention, the draining of her speed would result in her body destroying itself? I had studied her cells for some time while she was here, and found that if I tried to use a tachyon to drain the speed force from her, the cells die."

Her cells die when her speed-force is removed? He knew he was going to have to kill her from the start.

"I'll let you think. It's her or them Cisco. Choose wisely."

And like that, Wells was gone, leaving me in a state of complete shock. My head slumped, my hair obscuring my vision.

Soft jerking movements caused me to slam my head upward and whip it around.

Jammie sat in the bed, a hand clasped firmly over her lips. She was pulled in silent sobs, her other hand grasped firmly in mine.

"Jammie." I mumbled her name, causing her to snap her wide, bloodshot eyes up at me.

A broken sob escaped her lips as she tugged me. I followed her weak movements, sitting down on her bed. Tears streamed down my face as she crawled feebly into my arms. She curled her weakened form into me, crying into my shoulder.

"God Cisco, what am I gonna do?" 

Her broken and raspy voice rang through the air, breaking my heart, and ebbing the shock even more that she was awake. Her brave tint was gone, she sounded broken. Beyond repair. Like she was dropped and shattered on the ground without care, and I found the pieces left behind.

"He's gonna kill me." She whispered, digging her fingers into the back of my shirt. I just pressed my head into her, taking in every ounce of relief that she was awake and still here. Still with me.

I couldn't even get out a calming statement before my heart exploded.

"I love you."

My breathing stopped, as she mumbled the phrase over and over, growing into a crescendo of sobs.

"I love you. I love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I left you behind. I threw away what I didn't realize was most important to me and I'm sorry. I went of with someone cause I thought I could finally be happy, not realizing my happiest moments were with you. I love you. I'm sorry!"

My grip around her tightened, and I pushed my face into her hair. My mind was raking with words to say, to spill out with everything I've felt over this entire experience. She was here, I was here, she said she loved me.

"I would wait a thousand years for you." I whispered into the brown hair, hearing her breath hitch in her.

"I'd die a thousand deaths just to see you truly happy. You, you became everything to me. The woman I'd make the world topple for just to see her smile. You were always there. He isn't taking you from me."

"So what do we do?" She whispered, turning her head towards my neck. Her breath sending shivers down my spine. 

"We fuck him over."

 I RISE!  Ever since the shit storm that happened on YouTube, I tried to jump into the fray (But failed, cause my channel is small as fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Like, only 50 subs), and school, so I decided to add a new chapter. 

But I stumbled across an old gem.

My twitter.

Like, early 2015, when I was just a lonely little troll on the internet. The old tweets are quite funny. But time to get to the point.

I just want to interact with you guys. Take polls on what you guys want to happen. Stuff like that. SO yeah, TWITTER!

Go follow me at @DawnSpeed123 on twitter! It's my old name, but it does say 'PhonixFlightStudios' so y'all will know it is me. 

I will be posting a poll on there over the next chapter of this story, and others I have here on Wattpad. Just gotta spread the message with the chapters, you know?

Thank you guys so much for letting me waste your time! Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments. Hope y'all enjoyed! Phonix out!~

(And y'all thought EoWells was being a creep. HAH!)

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