Chapter 10: Guide Me Home

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Imagine Cisco is singing this song to Jammie.

Jammie's POV

I felt nothing.

The numbness I felt in my limbs was startling, as I desperately tried to move. To even blink open my eyes. I had no success, so I began to panic. I tried to scream. I was shouting in my head, but I heard nothing but shuffling and soft voices.

"Jammie, I don't know if you can hear me, but, I need you to wake up. There have been some, 'Developments' in our search for the man in yellow, and we need your help."

'Cisco! Oh god have I ever wanted to hear a voice so much! My best friend was here. I am safe. I am gonna be okay. I am sure of it.'

"Hey guys, I'm gonna stay with Jammie tonight." I heard Cisco say, and a few voices replied. Most likely Barry and Caitlin. I strained my ears to hear the pair walk out of the Labs, but I soon caught the sound of scratching metal. A chair was being dragged to wherever I was laying.

"God Jammie. I'm so sorry. I new there was something sketchy about that asshole from the start. But, you loved him so, and I wanted you to be happy. This is all of my fault."

'Oh no Cisco, none of this was your fault. You only wanted to keep me happy. None of us could have known his intentions.' 

I heard a soft sob, and I heard something, most likely Cisco, move. I felt a slight pressure on my abdomen, the first thing I had felt since my conscious awoke. I felt the soft vibrations from Cisco's sobs on my stomach, becoming aware that his head rested there.

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you. I should have- I should have told you. You've been asleep for 3 months. The city is worried. E-Electra, she, you, you brought them all so much hope Jammie. And now, the citizens fear the meta problem more than ever. Jammie what are we gonna do?"

'I'm trying Cisco. But I can barley feel you laying against me. I don't know what to do. I'm scared.'

"I should have told you how I felt before he ever got to you." 

'Wait, Cisco! What do you mean?'

"I love you so much Jasmine."

'He can't be serious. Cisco you can't be serious.'

"You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night J."

'He's serious.'

"From the day I met you, I was swept away. You sucked me into your world. You had me feeling on top of the world and in the depths of hell in a single sentence. The young astrophysicist my age, who accomplished so much. I still don't understand why Doctor Wells hired you, but I owe him the world for bringing you to me."

'Cisco. You're serious. You love me. God how could I be so blind?'

"That night at that club, when you bought the expensive alcohol, that was one of my best nights. That kiss we shared, though you were drunk, was the best thing I've ever felt."

'I kissed him? O-oh...'

"I need you here. I need you awake. I need you by my side again."

'I wish I hand that kind of control.'

"Oh, and so you know, Barry did put Asher in the pipeline. But let's just say he's missing a couple teeth and has two black eyes. I wasn't gonna let him get locked away unscathed."

'Cisco. Only you would do that.'

"If you woke up right now, I might just be inclined to kiss you."

'Oh really? COME ON BODY! WAKE UP!'

"It's getting late, I'm gonna go get a blanket for myself."

I heard him stand up and leave, probably to get a blanket from his office. I still laid in the darkness, feeling  my heart race.

'Why am I so flustered? I can't even see him. I can't, why do I- oh my god.'

"I'm back. It took a little to find a blanket."

'It's okay.'

I felt pressure on my left hand, which I assumed was Cisco holding it.

"If I could be with you tonight, I would sing you to sleep. Never let them take the light behind your eyes. One day I'll lose this fight. As we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as bright." 

I felt my heart soften at his voice, the notes of the familiar song filling my ears. I needed to wake up. I needed to get to him. He sounds scared. I can feel his fear in the air. 

His words, his actions this entire time, finally clicked into place. My actions, involuntary or intentional, followed afterwards. I realized how much he has grown to be for me. He went from being a nerdy friend to converse with, to being one of the most important people in my life. He was my light. My beacon of hope. He was everything I wanted. He was everything I needed. He was always there to support me, guide me, love me. 

And here I was, fawning over a hot guy from a coffee shop, who turned out to be plotting my demise. I missed out at the chance to be happy. I destroyed what I needed, and now I may never gain control. I wont ever be able to hold Cisco again. I'll lose my shot. 

Everything I've ever wanted was and still is right in front of me, and I destroyed it.

I love you Cisco. I'm so sorry.

Guide me home.

Small chapter, yes. Important plot point, YES! Jammie has finally understood what Cisco means to her. But the question is, will she ever awaken. Thank you all so much for the support on this story. It means so much to me! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will see you all later. Phonix OUT!~ 

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