Chapter 7: Awake

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Cisco's POV

I groaned in pain as I pushed my face into a pillow.

'Where am I? All I can remember is kissing Jammie then- OH MY GOD I KISSED JAMMIE!'

I flipped open my eyes to see a green couch back staring back at me. The smell of fried chicken and something sweet filled my nose suddenly, and I felt the urge to sit up. I didn't recognize this house. It was pretty average.

Maroon walls, bookshelves and knickknacks everywhere, and a massive TV sat on a black stand.

My jacket was draped across a nearby chair, and my wallet seemed to have fallen on the floor.

"Good morning Cisco!" A chirpy voice said behind me. I turned my head to see Jammie, wearing what i presumed to be Asher's shirt from last night, and was holding a frying pan. 

"Hey Jammie, how did i get here exactly?" I asked, raking my hand through my tangled head of  hair.

 "Well, since you ended up being wasted when the club closed, and neither Asher or I wanted to take the chance on you going home by yourself, so we brought you back to my place. I'll take you to get your car at the club after breakfast." Jammie grinned, letting her head flop onto her right shoulder, like an anime school girl. I was already flustered cause she didn't have pants on, but that little gesture just made me want to jump over this couch and kiss her, to kiss her when alcohol wasn't influencing either of us.   

I stood to my feet, stretching, before walking over to her.

"Well, what's for breakfast? And where's Asher?" I asked, looking down at her, i was pretty short, but damn Jammie was maybe 5'2. 

"Asher went home earlier, left his shirt. And we are having Chicken and Waffles for breakfast, and watching a movie of your choice." Jammie smiled, walking back into the kitchen. 

"Sweet!" I cheered, throwing my arms into the air, before sprinting over to the massive bookshelf of movies. I scanned through them before landing on the movie Jammie told me was her favorite of all time. I pulled it off the shelf and set it on the TV stand before walking back into the kitchen. Jammie was swaying her hips to a familiar song, and danced across the kitchen, serving our plates.

"What song is this?" I asked her, watching as she danced. She spun around, still dancing, before she responded. 

"Its called, 'I Took A Pill In Ibiza by Mike Posner'." She smiled, jumping into the air as the beat suddenly dropped. 

At that point, i found myself making my way across the kitchen and started to dance with the speedster. She and I danced around the kitchen, laughing loudly at each other. I grabbed her hand and spun her around, causing her to laugh even louder. After the song ended, she pulled two bottles of soda out of her fridge, and handed me a plate and a bottle. I grinned, taking my food and running into the living room.

I quickly pushed the movie into her DVD player, before hiding the box.

"So, what movie did you choose?" She asked, biting into one of her waffles. 

I then lead her to the couch and grabbed the remote, and pressed play. As soon as the title screen showed up, she squealed.

"THE PRINCESS BRIDE! OH SHIT!" She grinned, grabbing a pillow and using it a table for her food. 

For the next two hours, we watched the movie, quoting almost every line, and having a blast. Once the movie was over, Jammie zoomed up to her room to get dressed i presume.

She came back literally a second later, wearing a grey cardigan, a green tank top, black leggings, and a pair of ankle boots with a 1 inch heel.

"Grab your stuff C. I'm taking you to your car." Jammie said, running in place, which just made her legs look like a blur.

"Alright, alright." I laughed, grabbing all of my things in one hand and walking to the door.

"Now, i suggest you hold on tight."Jammie grinned, grabbing my hand.

Within seconds, we were in the clubs parking lot, and my small, blue smart car sat towards the back. 

"Thanks a lot Jammie. I'll see you at work on Monday." I said, looking down.

"It's no problem C! I love hanging out with you. You'll have to come over again some time." Jammie smiled, throwing her arms around me in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling calm happy, for once in my existence. 

"Wouldn't Asher not like that?" I asked, letting go and looking down at her.

"OH please Cisco! I can convince him otherwise. Now, I must be on my way. I'll text you." With that, she stands up straighter, kisses my cheek, and she's gone. In a blue of electric blue lightning, the girl of my dreams was gone.

I stood there for a moment, smiling to myself, before someone called my phone.


As soon as I answered the call, I heard Caitlin's frantic speaking.


OOOOOOO SHIT! WHATS HAPPENING! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, i'll see you all in the next chapter! Love you guys! Phonix out!~

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