29: Comeuppance and the Man with the Mullet

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This one is dedicated to MiZzYx1991. Girl is awesome. She dedicated a chapter to me and told her peeps to come read my humble story out of the goodness of her heart. Her story is awesome...you may have heard of it...PLAYING THE FIELD. It's all over the front page. So, go check it out if you haven't already. She's an awesome writer.

Also, I updated A Little Bit Pyro last night, and that chapter (3) happens simultaneously to this chapter. We meet some of the Ninja characters in this one. So if you want to see what's happening on the other side of the city during this chap go read it.

And...I was going to chop this chap into two, but since I made you wait for over a week for the update, I'll leave it intact. Enjoy a LOOOOOOONG chapter. You're welcome.

“As far as I’m concerned, you better invest in some Kevlar, because nobody shoots my brother.”

 Then I turned toward dear, delusional, Gushk.

“And you need some serious psychotherapy, if you think this is the way to treat your daughter,” I said gesturing toward the gurney with my freehand, just one of his many offenses.

Ant’s kung fu grip was pretty much holding me upright, but I could still feel the extra squeezes he pulsed at me. Probably Morse code for, “Shut up. For the love of all that is Holy, shut up.”

But I don’t know Morse code.   

Chapter 29: Comeuppance and the Man with the Mullet

“Jade,” Oleg said with a menacing look that would probably bring a lesser person to their knees, “I recognize that you are unhappy about this situation, but you must learn to show respect to your father.”

                Well, the good news is that I already know how to show respect to my father, my real father. And I’d wondered how long it would take for this clown to get this to this point. I’d originally just been acting the part of a girl who doesn’t know that she’s speaking to anybody particularly fearsome, a girl who had every right to be angry, and to lash out at the people who were responsible for ruining her perfect life as she knew it.

                But when Olegushka’s response to me informing him of his need to see a therapist was to cringe and begin explaining that my brother was in fact alive, and that it had all been a grave misunderstanding. He even claimed that all those men I beat up were meant to be my bodyguards to escort me back to him.

Anton almost passed out when he defended his actions instead of striking me dead right then and there.

And for two whole two weeks now, I’d been working pretty hard at the discontented, teen kidnapee routine. Since it would be counterproductive to hit him, or give them any reason to put more security on me, I’d turned to passive aggressive techniques in my personal quest to make Olegushka rue the day he first considered kidnapping me.

                “Bahahahahaha!” I laughed at him with my mouth bear trap wide.

The vein in Gushk’s temple throbbed at a threatening pace.

“I’m sorry,” I lied, wiping a tear from my eye with my nearly healed fingers, “I just can’t take you seriously with that…that…” I couldn’t finish before I began another round of laughter.

Some might question the sanity of a girl laughing in the face of one of the most powerful criminals in the world, a criminal who holds her life and the life of her brother in the palm of his hand. But, for reasons unknown, for the past fourteen days he had put up with my attitude, and complaints, and showy displays of disrespect. The only sense I could wrangle from his patience with me, was that he needed me for a scheme he was concocting, and he needed to be on my good side for his plan to work. 

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