The Baby Whisperer

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"So what did you tell him?" Lauryn asked as Gaby cradled the phone between her shoulder and ear as she riffled through the medicine cabinet for her bottle of antacids.

"Nick was right I shouldn't have had all of that spicy food for lunch." She said as she tossed two tablets into her mouth as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Gaby what did you say? I'm starting to sound like a broken record, what did you say woman?" Gaby sighed as she walked into her room and sank down into her bed.

"I said the only thing I could say."

"Which is?"

"I said yes,"

"Oh thank God, I thought I was going to have to call you every type of stupid in the book."

"Well that's not very nice."

"It would have been well deserved if you told him no, do you know how many women would kill to have the father of their baby want to take care of them?"

"I know Lauryn I know. I did the right thing so why am I still getting a lecture from you."

"I'm not lecturing you—but anyway tell me what you said, and what did Nick say."

"I told him I would move in as long as he finished things up with Giselle. he told me he spoke with her last night and told her everything, needless to say; she wasn't too happy."

"Oh who cares,"

"I feel bad; I feel like I am just disrupting his life,"

"And he hasn't disrupted yours, having a baby will do that, oh well."

"He's excited and has everything all planned out. He wants to turn his library into the nursery, and I'm making the guest room my permanent residence."

"Don't you have clothes in that room anyway?"

"Yeah, so it will feel just like home,"  Gaby said making Lauryn laugh.

"So has he popped the question yet?"

"What question?"

"The marriage question silly girl."

"Of course not, he just found out about the baby yesterday, and I told him just because we are having a baby doesn't mean we have to rush off and get married."

"Why not? You know that is the only way you're going to get any peace from your parents."

"I promised myself I wasn't falling in love again. Therefore, marriage is out of the question. We are going to live together and co-parent."

"But you already love Nick."

"Yeah as a friend and father of my child but I'm not in love with him."

"I don't get you at all Gaby. I know you were hurt after Derek abandoned you but you can't let that keep you from living and falling in love, especially when it's right in front of you."

Gaby knew that Lauryn was right, but she really didn't want to hear it.

"Just promise me, Gaby, that you will stop lying to yourself and  don't write it off until you give it a chance?"

Gaby thought about it for a moment, her feelings for Nick weren't entirely settled. She knew that what she felt for Nick surpassed the realm of friendship, but she did not know if it was only because he was the father of her child or if there was something more.

"I guess I can give it a try."

"That's all I ask."

After getting off of the phone with Lauryn, Gaby walked out of her room, down the hallway and into Nick's room. Nick began to stir as Gaby slid back into bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I have heartburn." She said with a pout.

"I told you not to-"

"-I don't need the I told you so speech I'm already suffering," Gaby said as she snuggled up next to Nick.

"I liked it better when you were naked," Nick said tugging at the t-shirt she was wearing.

"And I liked it better when you were asleep," Gaby said as she grabbed Nick's hands and held them in hers as she kissed them. Gaby didn't know what had come over them once they walked into Nick's house, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Gaby was hoping to hold off being intimate with each other until she had time to process things, but she decided to just go with the flow, not that her body had given her a choice.

"When are we telling our parents?" Gaby watched as the color drained from Nick's face.

"You just know how to kill the mood."

"I'm sorry, but we have to do it soon. I was thinking maybe this weekend?"

"It would have to be; I have to work the next two Saturdays."

"It'll be okay; I won't let daddy kill you."

"You better not, how are you going to explain to our child that grandpa killed daddy because of you."

"I wouldn't tell her that."

"Her?" Nick asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah it's a girl."

"How do you know? Did the doctor tell you that?"

"No, but I know it's a girl, call it is mother's intuition."

"I think it's a boy." Nick pulled back the covers and lifted up Gaby's shirt.

"Tell your mommy that you're a boy so we won't have to be subjected to all things pink and ribbons for the next six months," Nick said talking to Gaby's stomach.

"Tell your daddy that you're a girl so his feelings won't be hurt on delivery day," Gaby said as she swatted Nick away from her stomach and Nick pulled her into him.

"It's a girl, trust me." She said as she looked up at him.

"Whatever you say, Gabrielle," Nick said as he kissed her lips.

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