Charlie says goodbye

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Riley's POV

I am lying on my couch with Maya.

We are supposed to be watching television but I can't focus.

Lucas's words are playing on replay in my brain and I can't get them out.

It was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever told me. I still feel guilty about being the reason that Charlie got kicked out of school, but knowing that Lucas is on my side really helps.

"He's hot.", Maya comments.

"Huh?", I ask.

Maya frowns and looks at me.

"I said he's hot."

"Who's hot?", I ask.

Maya raises her eyebrows.

"Are you even watching?", she asks.

I look at the TV, where Caleb River (we are watching PLL) is making out with Hanna.

"You're thinking about Lucas?", she asks.

I look at her.

This afternoon I told her everything. Honestly, it felt good, being on the same side with her again and being able to always talk to her.

"Yes.", I admit.

She laughs.

"And I thought I liked him", she says.

"What do you mean?",I ask as I take a sitting position.

"I mean,",she explains, "I never got so distracted by Lucas that I didn't pay attention to Caleb Rivers."

I smile at her.

"I'm sorry by the way.", I tell her.

She frowns

"What for?"

"The whole thing with Lucas", I say. "You know, even when you guys were dating, I felt things for him."

She shrugs.

"I knew it. It was obvious."

I blush and turn my eyes back to Pretty Little Liars.


"It's in three days, Riley.", Zay reminds me.

I'm at his house with him and Lucas. Maya and Farkle are out shopping. When I say shopping I mean Maya helping Farkle find something to wear at the prom.

"So?", I ask, feeling slightly unintersted.

"So, you look calm", Zay says. "You shouldn't look calm. You should look freaked out, girl!"

Lucas and I laugh. I like his laugh. It's very soft and happy.

"My girlfriend doesn't freak out about these kind of things.", Lucas says.

I immediately blush and flash a smile at Lucas.

The world 'girlfriend' sounds great when he says it.

"Well, I do, bro. I do.", Zay murmurs and get up.

"I'm going downstairs to eat something.", he announces.

We nod.

When Zay leaves and closes the door behind him, Lucas cimbs on the bed

"Hey", he says.

"Hi", I smile.

I climb on top of him and place my mouth on his. I open my legs and place them on Lucas' sides.

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