Kanabi bridge Part 1

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Sakura POV:

As the bright white light faded, the only things I saw were my team, and darkness.

I became confused about what had happened, I knew that we were traveling through time, hence the name that Naruto and Sasuke announced. But I had no idea where or when we currently are.

"Where and when are we" I said in a confused tone

Naruto seemed to look into the far off distance for a few seconds before closing his bright blue eyes. Seconds later, he opened his eyes again only for them to be blood red with slits.

He looked at me before saying "Where we are, is currently traveling backwards through the black vortex of time, when is a different story"

I became slightly confused "What do you mean a different story?"

"We are currently traveling through time, since that is happening we aren't in a specific time, when we are going is the time before the fourth Hokage, or more precisely, the Kanabi bridge mission, where Obito 'died,' there we can change how things went."

Naruto's-Kyuubi possessed eyes fluttered shut only to open moments later as their normal blue eyes. Naruto turned to us and said in a serious voice "We are almost their, me and Sasuke will probably pass out from exhaustion since we used up a lot of chakra fighting and doing the jutsu, also we don't know where we will appear, yes it is the time of the mission, but that doesn't mean that we will appear right in front of the original team seven."

"What if we do?" I glanced over to look at the newer team seven's sensei who had spoken the question. "It's not very likely, the probability of appearing in the same area as the fourths team is at most 3%." I glanced at Sasuke and thought about it for a few seconds. My thoughts were interrupted when the knucklehead yelled "brace for impact"

A ringing sound went out as everything went white and I fell.

The ringing went on for around ten seconds as I lay there unmoving. As the ringing faded, so did the white light. I slowly opened my eyes to find trees, lots of them. 'A forest, huh' I lifted the upper half of my body off the ground and started to look around. I noticed seven things in five seconds

1) Kakashi was also getting up
2) Naruto and Sasuke were unconscious
3) Team Minato was three meters away from us
4) Obito was glancing with his mouth open in between Sensei and young Kakashi
5) The Kakashi's were starring at each other
6) A girl with purple stripes on her cheeks was looking at my teammates
And 7) The fourt-Minato, looked ready to kill someone

"Ummmm... Hi?" I spoke up in hopes to try and ease the tension that built up when we arrived

"Hi! I'm Obi- OW! What was that for!" Obito yelled after a failed attempt to introduce himself "Don't give your name away to someone who just appeared out of nowhere!" young Kakashi said as Obito rubbed the now sore spot on his head

'SHANARO! This is not good!' Inner yelled inside my mind I started to slowly move to the side till I was sitting next to Sasuke and Naruto. I started going through the oh so familiar hand signs, just when my hands finished the second to last hand sign, a males voice spoke up "Stop, what are you doing?" I looked up at who had spoken and saw the kids of team Minato looking at their Sensei, I looked into Minato's eyes as he stared into my own, although mine was a stare of honesty, his was more of a glared that seemed to see my soul and make enemy ninja shake.

Since I trained with lady Tsunade though, I was used to it. I continued to stare into his eyes and said in the strongest voice I could muster "I am trying to heal my teammates, now back up and let me heal them since they used a lot of chakra. If you don't back up, I'll have my sensei stall you all in till I do wake them up, and trust me, you won't like them when they find someone attacking their friends." As I spoke, my eyes went from honest and warm to cold and deadly. I looked at sensei and he looked back at me, as we made eye contact he seemed to find the silent message in my eyes and nodded. Only stall, don't kill or injure, and don't use the chidori or sharingan.

He reached beside him to the pouch where he kept his kunai. I looked back at Minato and watched him carefully. I started the hand signs again, this time at a much slower pace, when I got to the third sign in, Minato's foot went forward as he got ready to throw the three-pronged kunai he was currently holding. Kakashi jumped up from spot on the ground and leapt in front of me to block the kunai, quickly finishing the hand signs I started to focus less on the fight and more on healing my comrades. I was able to heal them for about 30 seconds when my ninja senses went off, I looked up to see a normal Kunai that was obviously from little Kakashi because it was headed straight for my chest. I also noticed two other kunai's heading for the boys I stopped healing the boys and jumped in front of them, I didn't have enough time to get in a good enough position so I didn't know where the kunai's would hit.

I closed my eyes

I heard the noise of knifes ripping through flesh, but I felt no pain. I opened my eyes to see black hair in my face. My eyes widened as only one person here was that tall and had that coloured hair, then I heard a voice, it wasn't weak, just pained...


My eyes widened as realization sunk in "Sasuke!"
Sorry this took so long to get out, I wanted to read some other stories to get a better idea on how to write stories.

But here it is finally, I promise to try and update more often

Last note, I don't own Naruto, and if I did Sakura would be stronger and nobody would have died! :) Thanks for reading!

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