Never Again

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The chapter ahead contains strong feels and a couple swears, you have been warned.

P.s. Grab a tissue.

(Previously, on Back In Time)

"No, he can, and will have an eye. And don't say no Sakura! Because he can have mine!"
My eye widened and I looked at the person who spoke.
Never in a hundred years would I think that my OLDER SELF would be offering to give me HIS eye!!
"Well, who's gonna explain this to me?"
He was back early!!

(Now, on Back In Time)


'This will not end well.' The group thought after Minato teleported into the clearing for the end of Kashi's statement.

Minato glared at Kashi, his eyes swimming with anger and hurt. He stormed towards him, KI coming off him in waves, enough to knock the three youngest down.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULD PROTECT THEM!!!" Minato yelled in an angry voice. He grabbed onto the front of Kashi's shirt and pulled him up slightly off the ground. "WHY WOULD YOU PUT THE KIDS IN DANGER LIKE THAT!?!?"

"Because I had to!" Kashi said raising his voice. Minato was stunned for a split second and Kashi used that moment to get out of his grip.

Kashi staggered back a foot then steadied himself. He flattened his vest down and sighed. Then he reached up to run his fingers through his hair.

Sighing again, he dropped his hands to his sides and looked up at his old Sensei with a tired a stress-filled eye.

"WE... We had to do it..." Kashi said with his head hanging. "We discussed it, for TWO hours last night, we discussed it!!" He said, his fist curled in on themselves, they started to go white from the pressure.

Minato looked at him with wide eyes, his years of training his emotions did him no good as they went through his eyes. They showed surprised, anger, sadness, and strangely, understanding.

The world seemed to disappear around Minato and the time traveling Sensei, everything but them faded as Kashi started to shake.

"I wanted to save myself from the pain!! I wanted to stop myself from getting hurt so my friends wouldn't die, but I had no choice!!" Kashi said, the sadness and pain ripping through his heart like a hot knife, burning and tearing it apart piece by piece as he forged to make sense of the whole thing.

"Do you KNOW, what it's like, to see your best friend CRUSHED under some rocks just because you were too injured to see one little stone and he had to save your sorry-ass life?! Do you KNOW what it's like, to rip out the heart of your ONLY friend, and have that moment forever ingrained into you memory!?! DO YOU KNOW, what it's FUCKING LIKE, to have the man that I looked up to AS A FATHER, die saving his son, in a village that wouldn't even know he had one!?! And after all that, do you know, what it's like, to have nearly every single living being, taken from the earth by the guy that you thought you could get close to, your BEST friend?!? Do you??" Kashi said with sadness, pain and regret in his voice. His shoulders and arms shaking as tears hit the ground in front of his feet.

Minato's voice betrayed him as he stood there not making a sound. He stared at this crying man before him, so shocked he couldn't speak. So he decided to act. His right foot shuffled forward, emitting almost no noise, his left foot followed as he took steps towards this man, this man who had lost family, friends, homes, and hope. His mind went through things to do, things to say, he thought of all the things that could go bad.

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