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I hate my parents. They smoke, they abuse... I can't get a singe breath of air without feeling like choking. And it doesn't help that I actually get choked every Sunday... dad's drinking night. He gets so hammered that it doesn't even sound like English when he talks. Of course, every swear comes out perfectly. Ever since we moved to Ohio, he's been like this. Mom's just as bad. Every cigarette she finishes... or drops... is another I have to throw away. And no matter how many times I wash my hands, the smell won't come out. I have the same schedule everyday. Wake up, Eat, Do my chores, Take a beating from dad, Clean shards of broken booze bottles, 30 mins of free time, Clean up mom's cigarettes, Take a second beating (not as bad as the first), Sleep, Repeat. I try and try and try to change this, but everytime I try, my sleep gets pushed back an hour, and a third beating is added. What's worse is that everyday I go to school, I smell like drugs, and I always have a new bruise. People avoid me as much as possible, even the teachers put me at the back of the class. I've gotten used to it though, the loneliness. I'm not happy, but, again, I've gotton used to it. Really, I'm waiting for the end. I know my parents can't send me to college, and it's not like I'm getting perfect grades. So there's no point in even trying. My life is a ship with a leak. Nobody's dead yet, but soon we'll all be drowning in the cold abyss of the ocean.

Edit: if your going to comment asking for more now or later in the book, read till the end, including the update

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