Lucy-Chapter 3

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"Wherrrrreeeeee areeee youuu goin darlinnn?" My drunk dad slurs. As I ran up the stairs crying, I briefly saw dad slouched on the couch, 5 whole booze bottles empty next to him. My tears ran down my cheeks as I slammed the door. "Why can't I live a normal life with normal, non-abusive parents?". I don't bother to do my homework as I jump in bed and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of shouting. "ALL YOU DO IS GET DRUNK, YOU DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY, YOU DON'T HELP ANYONE, AND YOU SURE AS HELL DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE!" my mom screams. Even from upstairs I hear their conversation. They scream at each other pretty much every day, but this is the worst I've seen them. "ME NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE?!? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SMOKES SO MUCH IT SMELLS LIKE YOUR HIDING A BURNING BODY!" my dad yells back a her. I quickly get on some clothes and hurry down stairs. I reach the bottom of the seemingly endless staircase, just as my dad smacks my mom across her face. I stop and see the start to something horrible. After the smack, he punches her in the nose. Then again. Then again. And soon, he is beating her unconscious. I watch in horror, unable to move. "What's going on?" I think. After my dad finishes his assult, he starts to walk away...until he sees me on the stairs.
"Hey Lucy, what are you doing here?" He says as he holds in a scream. He's obviously grinding his teeth. As much as I try, I can't say anything. "Come here for a second, daddy's got a present for ya..." Even as he says this I'm still frozen to the ground, rooted in place by fear. "I said, COME HERE" he screams, and finally I do move...I move away. As I run up the stairs three at a time, I hear his footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. I make it to my room and lock the door. "GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" my dad shrieks. Quickly, I barricade the door with my dresser. My heart is racing, millions of thoughts flying through my mind, but all of them leading to one conclusion. "He's going to beat me to death." As I panic, I collapse to the ground in a crying fit. Then, through all my worry, I realize that there's silence on the other side of the door. Confused and scared, I somehow convince my body to get up and wipe my tears. I step the towards the door to try and listen a little closer. I hear the faint noise of a door opening downstairs,  Then nothing."Did he leave me alone?" I wonder, but as if he were waiting for me to think that he was gone, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and a loud noise as my dad hits the door. "DADDY'S COMIN!!!" he screams. I can barely hear him over the sound of my scared thoughts. I watch in terror as the tip of a bat busts through the top of the door, one of the few parts the dresser didn't barricade. "My dad is going to KILL me! He's going to cut the door down and kill me!" My hands won't stop shaking. Then I see the window.

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