Meeting my new friend

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Chapter five

That dream last night was really weird, but that boy named Jay was really cute.

I got out of bed put on my high low skirt, kiss crop top, black spiked bracelets, and black combat boots.

I put on some eyeliner, and brushed my hair. I brushed my teeth and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart!" Jake said smiling. "Did you sleep well." I nodded and ate an apple.

Ella came down in a robe and her hair a mess. He nose was red and so were her eyes. "Ella are you okay?" Jake asked and she nodded her head slightly. "Y-yeah just n-need t-*cough* lay down." She said laying on the couch.

I looked at Jake and back at Ella. "Ella honey after I take Lily to school I'm taking you to the doctors." I grabbed my backpack and made a small lunch.

"Ready to go?" I nodded and Jake picked Ella up and walked to the car.
I got in the car and he drove me to school.

Ten minutes later we got to the school. It was a slightly big school, probably held at least 1,000 kids. "I'll see you later honey, I've already informed your teachers that you are mute." I nodded and got out the car and went into the school.

I looked at my schedule and walked to the office which was the first room next to the entrance. When I walked in the boy, Jay, from my dream was in there talking to I think the Secretary.

She looked at me and smiled. "Ah there she is, Ms. Pitts this is Mr. Perry he will be showing you around." She said smiling.

"Hey I'm Jay, whats your name?" I looked at the secretary's desk and saw she had Lilies so I pointed to them.

"Lily?" I nodded.

"Mute?" I looked down slightly and nodded again.

He took my hand and started walking making me follow. "Okay so can I see your schedule?" I gave him my schedule. "Damn we only have lunch, 5th, 6th, and 7th period together. But let me show you the rooms."

Jay pov

She was beautiful, when she first entered the office her clothing style was unique. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel, her lips looked kissable. I want to make her mine, but I wanna wait and get to know her better.

She and I only had lunch, 5th, 6th, and 7th together which saddened me. When I had grabbed her hand I noticed tons of scars and cuts on her arm.

Why does she do it?

Wait when Mrs. Williams called her Ms. Pitts could Lily be Ella and Jake's daughter? Jake tweeted saying he and Ella adopted a girl named Lily. Could this be her?

I was showing her where her 3rd period class was when I stopped and looked at her. "By any chance are you parents Jake Pitts and Ella Cole?" She nodded and my inner fanboy came out.

"Oh my fucking god!" She smiled and I hugged her. She hugged back tightly.

"Ew there's a new emo fag! I bet they're dating!" Atziry yelled and her boyfriend and friend laughed.

"Go fuck yourself bitch!" I yelled and grabbed Lil's hand and we ran.

We ran until we got to the field. She looked at me confused. "Heh well every time I say that to her, her boyfriend always comes after me and beats my ass." She nodded.

"Okay so the bell is gonna ring soon so I'll see you at lunch kay?" She nodded and we went our separate ways. I started walking to Mr. Paul's class when I remembered Atziry and her boyfriend are in that class.

Well shit, Lil is just gonna end up seeing me with a black eye and probably a busted lip.

Jake pov

After I dropped Lily off at school I took Ella to the doctors. During the whole car ride I heard sneezing, coughing, moaning, and slight wheezing coming from the back seat.

When we got to the doctors I took Ella out of the car and walked inside. "Um hi my fiance woke up feeling like shit, and she's been coughing, sneezing, wheezing, etc." I said looking at Ella who had her head on my shoulder and her arms around my arm.

"Okay sir I will get a doctor quickly, but what is your name, her name, and her last name?"

"My name is Jake, her's is Ella Cole."

"Okay Mr. Jake a doctor will be out soon." I nodded and helped Ella to a chair.

"Am I gonna b-*cough* alright Ja-*sneeze* Jakey?" Ella said, oh god my poor baby.

"I hope so swee-"

"Ms. Cole?" A woman in a lab coat called out.

"Right here." I said and we followed her to a room.

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.

"Uh this morning Ella had come out of our room sneezing, coughing, her nose was red, and she looked miserable. I would've taken her straight here, but we had to drop our daughter off at school first." The doctor nodded as she wrote all that down in her notebook.

"Okay so by that description it seems that Ms. Cole has a fever, but just to be sure I'm gonna take her temperature." She pulled out a thermometer and Ella opened her mouth.

"Her temperature is 102.9, so yes she does have a fever. So I think what will help is hot soup, allergy medicine, probably an inhaler, and lots of rest."

"Okay, so are we free to go?"

"Yes you may go. Goodbye Mr. Jake and Ms. Ella."

Lily pov (so many different pov)

It was lunch time I was meeting Jay at the cafeteria. Oh god he was amazing, I love his dirty blond hair, pale skin, and his voice.

I walked over to the door of the cafeteria when I was pushed against the wall. " So emo fag where's your boyfriend? Did he already kill himself?" It was the chick from earlier.

I pushed her off of me and saw Jay. I ran to him and was surprised. He had a busted lip and a bruise forming under his eye. I put my hand up to the bruise softly, then I looked at his lip.

"Atziry's boyfriend did this to me." I looked at Atziry and she was smirking, I flipped her off and I took his hand and dragged him into the girl's bathroom not caring that some of them were fixing there bras and putting stuff in them to make there tits bigger.

I brought him over to the sink and wet a paper towel. I softly brought it up to his lip cleaning up the dry blood.

"Lily I'm fine. You don't need to do this." I shook my head and grabbed the concealer I had from my backpack.

"Do you always keep concealer with you?" He asked, I nodded and put some on the bruise.

When I was done he looked slightly better. I grabbed his hand again and we started walking to 5th period, I'm not hungry and I don't think he is too.

End of school

Jay and I were walking to my house because we were gonna work on homework. "Jake and Ella are gonna be fine with me staying over for a bit to do homework with you?" I nodded as we walked into my house.

"Lily is that you?" Jake called from the kitchen, I clapped and he walked into the living room. He looked at Matt and smiled.

"Who's this?"

"I'm Jay sir, uh Lily's friend."

"Nice to meet you Jay, and call me Jake."

Jay nodded and we sat on the couch and started working.

3 hours later I felt my eyes drooping and I fell asleep cuddling next to Jay.

Adopted by Jake Pitts (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now