Three Months

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Its been three months since I found out I was pregnant, I have yet to tell dad, and the others.Jay left a month ago, we dropped him off while we were going to san diego.

"Ashley..?" I asked as he rubbed my belly.

"Yes baby girl?"

"U-Uhm..should I tell daddy and the others?"

"I think it would be best to."

"B-but...what if they give me back..?"

"Sweetheart, Jake loves you so much. You're his daughter, he wouldn't give you back."

" sure?"

"Im sure baby."

Ashley kissed me softly.

Oh did I mention? Ashley and I are dating now.

"Hey love birds wanna go to the gym with me?" Dad asked.

I looked at Ashley and nodded.

" might not be good on the baby.." Ashley whispered to me.

"I'll go easy Ashy I promise."


I walked into the bunk area and put on my jogging shorts and sports bra.

"I'm ready." I said as Ashy came out in basketball shorts.

"Okay lets go!"

We walked to the gym, and walked inside. I could feel Ashley staring at my butt the whole time we were walking here.

Dad went off and did his own thing and Ashy stayed with me.

"Uhm Hi there, do you know what would be good on a pregnant lady?" I asked the person at the front.

"Hmm, probably a little bit of jogging on the treadmill and you and your boyfriend can join the yoga if your boyfriend would like." She said.

"Thank you so much Ma'am." She smiled and nodded but then opened her mouth again to speak.

"How many months?" She asked.

"Three now, my dad, the guy who came in with us, he doesn't know yet. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell him."

"Oh that must be tough. You don't sound like your from here."

"Yeah we're not from here, we're from Los Angeles in California." Ashley said.

"Nice place there. Okay go have fun you two I hope the baby likes this." I smiled brightly and thanked her again.

"C'mon princess." Ashley said grabbing my hand and walking to the treadmill.

After two hours at the gym we headed back to the hotel.



"I have something to tell you and the guys.."

"Okay right now? Or should we take showers first?"

"Showers we smell like crap." I said giggling.

Dad nodded and walked out as soon as Ashley walked in.

"Lets take a shower Ashy." I said kissing his jawline.

"Okay sweetheart."

After the shower...which included a lot of kissing between Ashley and I, but no sex. All the guys sat down on the bed and looked at Ash and I.

" should I put this. Three months ago...when Jay and I were still together...I was raped. It was a night where you five were all out of the bus and it was justJay and I. He..raped me...and now...I'm pregnant. Three Months today." I said feeling tears go down my face.

Andy looked pissed, Dad looked happy but pissed at the same time, CC was happy, Jinxxy had no emotion.


"I'm going to kill that ugly mother fucker I don't care if I'll go to jail he fucking raped my niece he needs to fucking die."






"I cant believe it..I'm gonna be a grandfather..oh god I'm so old. That little fucked raped you I'm going to fucking kill him."

I started crying and they all hugged me tightly.

"Its gonna be okay Lily, you're gonna be okay. The baby is going to be beautiful." Ashley whispered.

"I love you guys so much." I said.

"Lets spend all day here together, cuddling and watching movies." Daddy suggested.

"That sounds amazing." CC said, everyone else agreed.

That's what we did, we spent the rest of the day drinking monsters, soda, chocolate milk, and eating popcorn, pizza, ice cream, and chocolate.

It was one of the best days I've ever had. Spending the day with the people that I love is amazing. No one fought, no one hurt anyone, the day was perfect.

Adopted by Jake Pitts (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now