Pretty Lesbian Girl

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I stood up and turned around to see this beautiful girl. She had darkish pastel pink hair, pale skin, she had beautiful ice blue grey eyes, she wore blackish plum lipstick and a little bit of eyeliner and mascara.

"Are you okay?" She had a thick German accent.

"Uh yeah I am, thank you for catching me."

"No problem, you don't sound like your from here. American right?"

"Yeah but I have German in my origin."

"That's so cool, I'm Amy."

"I'm Lily, this is my uncle Andy, my other uncles, dad, and best friend are behind you."

She turned around and smiled.

"Hello there." She said, they waved and helped Andy up.

"Whats your phone number? I kinda wanna keep in touch, you seem really nice." I asked

"Oh its (***)***-****." I put it in my phone smiling.

"Thanks I'll text you later?"

"Okay sounds cool, maybe while you guys are here I can show you around."

"Yeah that's perfect. Again thank you for catching me."

"No problem I like helping pretty girls out." When she said that I immediately blushed.

"Well we gotta get going, thank you for making sure she didn't get hurt." Jake said. She smiled and nodded, she hugged me goodbye and walked away.

Ash and Jay looked really jealous. I wonder why.

We walked around a bit and found a place to eat. When we sat down I texted Amy.

L- Hey Amy it's Lily the girl you caught

A- Hey Lily! You are like really pretty, maybe while you and your uncles are here we could go on a date?

I bit my lip blushing.

L- Yeah I'll go on a date with you, when?

A- Tomorrow at 8?

L- Sure! Where are we going?

A- It's a surprise but maybe just dress how you usually do?

L- Hehe okay! Where should we meet?

A- Are you staying in a hotel?

L- Yeah, (random hotel name)

A- Okay cool I'll pick you up tomorrow

L- Mkay well byee

A- Bye

I put my phone down smiling.

"So Dad I have a date tomorrow." I said.

"With who?"

"Amy, that girl that helped me when I almost fell."


"Heh yeah, she's beautiful."

"Where are you guys going?"

"I don't know she said it's a surprise, but I can dress normally."

"Okay Andy can help you pick your clothes out tomorrow." I nodded and we ate our food.

After we ate we walked around some more and went back to our hotel.

We played some video games for a couple hours, and started playing truth or dare.

"Ash truth or dare?" I asked.


"I dare you and Andy to kiss."

"What the fuck, hell no."

"Its a dare phone killer wanna be smacked again?"

"No, not really."

"Then kiss Andy."

Ash growled and kissed Andy. I took a photo and posted it on Instagram.


After truth or dare I got ready for bed and read a couple chapters of my favorite book, Unearthly.

(It's an amazing book I read it in 2 days)

Jay got in bed with me and went on his phone, Andy skyped with Juliet, Jake called Ella, and Jinxx called Sammi. Ashley already fell asleep.

I put my phone down and texted Amy.

L- Hey Amy

A- Hey Lily

L- So are you gonna tell me where we are going tomorrow?

A- nope you'll just have to find out heh

L- please!!!

A- Nope😝

L- 😢But why?

A- awe poor baby and because I want it too be a surprise

L- Hmph okayyyyy

A- haha I'm going to sleep G'night lovee

L- Good night Amyy

I put my phone down, put it on the charger and fell asleep.

Adopted by Jake Pitts (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now