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Chapter 2-Unlikely Reunion∞ 

Image above, yes, it is Luke Hemmings. You are not hallucinating, trust me. He is who I consider William to look like. Also, don't be confused. This isn't a 5sos fanfiction.

Don't know who Will is? Well, seems like you're going to find out. 

On with the story!


I was a mess, I knew that, but now it is just getting irritating. There are just things you can't remove form yourself and manage to follow you forever. And right now, it seems like Monday is being covered by clumsiness. Maybe tomorrow I'll be daydreaming, and the day after I'll be stuttering. 

Then I realized I do all those things either way. 

My clumsiness has caused me to stumble backwards and fall on my ass. It didn't hurt but I knew that I looked like a fool. On instinct I had closed my eyes but I knew some of my things had fallen out, especially from my over-filled binder I took from my locker. Great.

Knowing I had to face the world, I opened my eyes and with my amazing luck, everything was blurry. The world was a blur of silhouettes of people going up and down the hall. I knew I was on the floor but practically useless without my glasses, so, feeling like Velma, I awkwardly spread my arms around me trying to feel for my glasses.

Thanks, dad. Remind me to sue you for giving me this problem. Curse you, genes. 

It was quiet now but some weight seemed to be surrounding me. Most likely the person I idiotically bumped into.  I couldn't see much so I trusted my mouth won't say anything stupid.

"Damn. Um, I-Whoever this could be, believe me, uh, I am truly-"

"Don't sweat it. It was my fault anyways.", a deep but soft voice cuts me off.

And in that moment, I pause momentarily in search for my glasses and my mind went back to 7th grade when I heard first his voice go that deep, since he had such a girlish voice as a kid. 

Out of the entire school population, I run into him. Is the universe trying to get me six feet under? 

The awkwardness began to sink in. At this point, I really wish I had my glasses so I could get up and leave, any chance to get away from him. I don't think I could talk to him right now. Or ever, in fact. I never approached him, he never approached me. 

"I believe these are yours?", he asked, making me join reality once more. 

Before I could muster up an answer, I felt my glasses in my hand. I manage a short smile and put them on, nervously pushing them up my nose, even though they are pressing into my skin. Nervous habit. When I was gaining focus, that was when I properly saw him standing there. William Scott. He smiles back at me and then I ignore his smile by beginning to collect my things. 

Not gonna work, Sunshine. That smiles ain't gonna get you anywhere. Trust me, you've used that smile lots of times before and it doesn't help.

 As I am already on the cold floor, I get on my knees and reach for my notebook that spilled the contents of it. Then I see his hands reach for my things.

"Here, let me help you with that.", he says, standing and putting a hand in front of my face. That hand was trouble, I could feel it. I hesitate to reach it for a few seconds before grabbing it. Will pulls me up and then bends down again to collect the papers I had been trying to grab with shaky fingers. Seeing him grab my things and giving them to me was not surprise but more like a shock. He had never done that before. Ever. I guess not being popular makes it feel strange when an actual popular comes up to you and helps. 

Wasn't there like an unspoken rule or something about this type of interaction? So I've heard. 

" okay?", he asked.

I look up surprised, probably doing the whole dear-in-the-headlights-face thing. "What?", I responded, having to lift my head a bit more because of his height. 

Oh, isn't this lovely. Always the taller one, you f-ing tree! 

"I asked if you will be okay.", he tells me, having an amused glint in his eyes.

"Uh, um, YES! I mean, uh, of course. Again, I'm really sorry for that.", I rushed out. Being right next to him right now would send me to my funeral. Trust me, the image of us two together, mush less standing next to each other could get me a death warrant. Why? Because he is as the top of the popularity scale here at Camcrest, being the captain of the soccer team and star quarterback for the school's football team. It was obvious he would end up having the muscular physique as a kid. It didn't matter now, though. He could keep his blue eyed, tan skin, and blonde hair self around them. Besides, it would be bad if his girlfriend, Hillary, saw this exchange.

And since the universe is conspiring against me and I stupidly jinxed it...

"William.", her shrilly, dramatic voice screeched through the now empty hallway. 

Crap, I'm officially late for homeroom. Most likely first period will start soon.

At the sound of her voice, he turns with his back to me. Her arms snake around his neck, "I was looking all over for you." As she speaks to him, I catch her smirk. At me. What did I do?

Since his girl toy was here, I knew he was going to be distracted for a while, I began making my way around them towards my room down the corner of this hallway. The building had been formed into a sort of sideways T. It was a big school and two stories high, so I think it was a good fit. The sound of their muffled voices and my converse tapping were the only ones, until I almost reached the corner, when he says:

"Wait, I didn't catch your name."

I paused for almost the hundredth time today and didn't know if I should slap him or run away crying. SI wasn't much for drama, so I'll keep those scenarios for later daydreams. I couldn't really believe it. It was impossible, he forgot who I was. Kat and Marc were right, he would eventually forget us once he moved up the social scale and a true friend would never do that. After all this time I tried defending him, I thought it would be true.

Ignoring the annoyance deep inside me, I keep a straight face and grip my shoulder strap, "You don't need to know."


What up, readers! Alright, there goes chapter Dos. Another character introduced and he will be sticking around for a long time, unless he dies. Just kidding! What would this story be without one of my leading protagonist, well, not a protagonist yet.

Any thoughts so far? Comment plz, to let me know how well I'm doing. 

Gracias, people, and I'll update as soon as possible, including my fanfic. 




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