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∞Chapter 4- Lunch & a Show∞

Picture of Marcus (Marc) -->

I might just continue uploading different images of the upcoming characters. Dun. Dun. Dun. Anyways, I could continue adding a pic every chapter, or create an author's note just for the characters. Whichever you would prefer, tell me in the dubido. :) Now! Back to the story.

The sound of my stomach, yelling at me to put food in my body, broke me from my reverie. It was finally lunch and Kat & I are now walking towards the cafeteria. My stomach was telling me to eat, but my mind was not really listening right now. Something was seriously up and I had no idea what-

"Hello? Is Dylan around?", Kat asked, yelling a bit too loudly in my ear. 

It startled me so much that I almost pushed someone that was in front of their locker, but I caught myself enough to end up grabbing their arm. I could feel the blush growing on my cheeks and I give a weak smile before quickening my step towards the cafeteria. Kat is seriously going to get it now! I opened the cafeteria door and, already, the tables were filling. Not really trying to make eye contact, I move my way around a few wandering students and see a head of ombre hair. I walk towards her and grab a tray, before holding her arm.

"Thanks, Kat!", I said sarcasticlly, "Thanks for the rude awakening." She got the message and then grinned at me. I roll my eyes and then moved down the line with Kat, grabbing a slice of pizza with some fries and a side of baby carrots. Also a bottle of water. Kat got the same as me, except she grabbed a fruit bowl instead of carrots.

"Hello, lady.", Marc said smiling at me and smirked at Kat, "And Kat."

Kat rolled her eyes in annoyance, but I saw her secretly smile. She got it baaad. He laughed and moved next to Kat to grab his lunch. We continued moving down the line and once Marc and Kat paid for their food, it was my turn. I pulled out my wallet and paid for my food.

"Hey! Thanks for buying me lunch. That's really sweet, four eyes.", I heard her annoying voice behind me. Then she reached next to me to grab my tray. I looked at her dumbfounded and then clenched my fist.

"It's mine, so can you give it back. Please.", I said instead of asking, getting really frustrated. 

She only smiled and I felt much more annoyed seeing how she was in her cheerleader outfit with her useless entourage behind. We were drawing a crowd. Great. Her entourage laughed and Hillary smirked.

"What you gonna do about it, four eyes? You should be begging me to give you food because I have the power around here. Now go away, you're ruining my view.", she said to me, most likely intimidating me while bragging on her "popularity".

"Already ruined mine.", I told her, pushing up my glasses because they were ready to fall off. Hillary grit her teeth and was about to tell me off before I felt a presence behind me. She sent a smile behind me and then I decided to see who it was. Big mistake.

I heavily roll my eyes as much as I can because it's not Will, but someone worse. 

Spencer Bosquet. 

Even his name makes me want to stay away from school for days. The memory felt fresh in my head, even after so long. The glance I took of him was enough to keep me facing Hillary. I was caught between two boulders and I was waiting for them to squish me to a slow and painful death.

"Spencer, didn't see you there.", she giggled. Oh god! I wanna puke.

"Hey, Hillary. I believe I saw William over there, talking to some of the girls from the swim team. Some were even checking him out.", he says. Hillary grows red before storming off. With my food.

I began walking away, trying to free myself of a conversation. Then I felt him grab my shoulder. I nudged his arm away and then saw Marc with Kat talkling. I heard him sigh and then move next to me. He was almost a head taller, but I continued walking towards my friends. I sent a text with the letter 'H' to Marc and saw him look for me. He saw me and I could feel his anger, while running my finger on my brow. It was a signal we made up.

Suddenly I stopped moving and was facing his blue shirt. I kept my gaze forwards. He held my arm, "Dyl, can you please-"

"Don't call me that. Leave me alone.", I told him, not facing him.

Then his hand pushed my chin up and he seemed stressed, "Fine. Dylan. Can you please listen to me?"

His hand loosened my chin, but didn't let go. I kept my mouth shut and held back the tears. I could see a shadow move and a hand pulled back Spencer from me. My breath loosened seeing it was Marc and I moved towards him, standing behind him while leaning my head on his back. 

"She said to leave her alone, Bosquet. Go find someone else to bother, Dylan doesn't need this crap.", he warned Spencer. 

He ran a hand through his head, "Will you at least let me talk!"

I said over my shoulder, "Not unless you plan on dying." Then I hugged Marc around his waist while he held me with his arm, before I reached the table and felt the tears falling down my cheeks. He ruined my life once and I won't let him do it again. Even if it kills me.   


That concludes chapter cuatro( four) of The Jock's Tutor. Until next time, lovelies.



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