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∞Chapter 1 II Mornings∞

This is the very first chapter to The Jock's Tutor and the image above is of one of the main characters. She's not famous, I think, but she fits Dylan well. That's how Dylan Grey is portrayed. This is different than what I normally write. Leave a comment on your thoughts and I did this during hw because I procrastinate like crazy.


Beep. Beep. Beep

Curse the person who made alarm clocks. It's been two years since I had started needing an alarm clock, but the sound still makes me want to pull out my ears. There is nothing more I would love than to sleep in and forget school. I was going to wake up eventually anyways, me meeting Chris Evans was a lie.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I sit up quickly this time and angrily rub my eyes, trying to wake up. The alarm was still going, only making me want to crawl back under my sheets. Isn't waking up on a Monday morning just the greatest! Note the sarcasm.

As I managed to open my eyes, the world was a blurry scene, but then I remembered to reach over and put on my glasses.

Beep. Be-

"I heard you already.", I groaned, hitting my alarm.

Since I'm up might as well begin getting dressed. I grabbed my ipod shuffle and putting on some good All Time Low to get ready for school. While I showered, I sang along to one of my favorites, "A Love Like War". Once I washed up, I put my glasses back on. It was almost time for Marcus to come pick me up for school.

I finish buttoning the last button on my shirt when my mom knocks on my door. When I look at her sometimes I don't see the resemblance others see. She is in her mid-thirties, but her skin is a cream color, has dark green eyes, angular face and cheekbones, curves, and a dark brown hair color. While I'm stuck with bright green eyes, a few freckles here and there, barely noticeable curves, a skin tone darker, and lack of height. Something we don't share is my horrible vision, my dad has it.

"Hey, Dylan, don't want to pressure you, but if you don't come downstairs Marcus might finish your pancakes.", my mom says.

"Oh no he won't! Later, mom.", I yelled, watching my mom leave the room. I take one last look at my mom and put my bag over my shoulder. Then I jog down the stairs, trying not to trip, into the kitchen to find Marcus ready to eat the last pancake on my plate. Before he even notices I'm there, I snatch the plate and run to the living room.

"Hey! Dyl, wait up! See you, Mrs.Gray!". I heard Marcus say before I gulped down the last piece of pancake. Oh how much joy I get eating pancakes, don't you?

As I swallowed the last bite of my pancakes, my throat became dry. I pushed my glasses up and entered the kitchen again. My mother raised an eyebrow at me and the plate.

"What did I tell you about eating your food, Dylan Ma-"

"Okay, mom.", I said, stretching out the okay, "No need to get on a middle name basis here. Can I have a glass of water now?"

My mom holds a glass of water in her hand, "Are you going to eat like that again?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." When I looked back at her cold stare, I swallowed my sarcastic vocabulary, "No, mom. I promise. Don't kill me."

She rolls her eyes at me and hands me the water, "How did you end up so weird. I blame your father."

It was my turn to roll my eyes and finally put my attention on Marc, short for Marcus, sitting on a stool. I walked behind him and leaned on him, "Can you believe her? I think she's the one who's so weird."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night.", he chuckled, using my own remark against me. That caused Marc to get a thwack behind his head. Then I huffed, before grabbing my house keys and putting them in my bag, without any work because it was a messenger bag after all.

I open the door and then walked towards Marcus' Mercedes Benz. It still amazed me how he had ended up getting this great looking car, but I guess having a barely there father really does it for a guy.

While walking towards the car, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and see Marcus looking down at me. If you haven't figured it out yet, I have this annoying boy, Marcus, as one of my lifelong best friends. This brown haired weirdo has been by my side since diapers. He was there for me all the time and I have been there for him. He's like family.

"You got here early.", I examined. Seeing he normally got here 10 minutes later. He nods, "Yeah. I couldn't help it, I could smell your mom's pancakes miles from here."

I slap his arm and roll my eyes, "Just get in the car and drive. I don't even know why I let you in my house in the first place."

He turns on the ignition before grinning my way, "Because you wouldn't know what you'd do without your awesome best friend!"

Smirking, I put on my seat belt, "You're right. I don't know what I'd do without Kat." She is my other lifelong friend.

"You break my heart, Dyl.", he pouts, before punching right above his heart.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Whatever."

We finally made it to Camcrest High School. The school was already beginning to crowd and the warning bell wasn't going to sound in about a half hour. Then again, I saw no populars around or outside of school, so things were still the same. I walk with Marcus at my side towards the lockers and see Kat already leaning on my locker. She smiles when she sees me and I send her a salute back. Marcus just waves.

Katherine was beautiful compared to me. She had a full figure and was confident about it, not bragging about it or flaunting it, but confident enough to strut around in whatever she liked. She was not like the self-absorbed bimbos at our school. Her hair was long and ombre, much better than my frizzy waves. She shined enough for the both of us.

"Hey, Kat. How was your weekend?", I asked, opening my locker.

She smiles and the leans next to Marcus, "Mornin' Dylan, Marcus. Not much, but did you see the new Teen Wolf episode?"

I slam my locker shut and gasp, "No! I had to do homework. Was it as good as they say?!" We are total fangirls, especially when it comes to Stilinski. Have you seen his body?

"Oh my god, no way! I got to go, my home room seems to keep you ladies away.", Marcus says, mocking us both. I stick out my tongue and Kat flicks him off, making us all fall into hard laughs. Once I heard the warning bell, I excused myself from Kat and turned around only to crash into something hard. Most likely someone.


This is another story, but before you make assumptions about a fandom, this is not a fanfiction. I have already written out the first few chapters, so I'd like to know your thoughts. It's fun writing something inspired by myself and created by myself. Spread the word!

Thanks for being able to see this story! The support is huge from my followers. Leave a comment on your thoughts and add a vote if you like it. Again, thanks because this means a lot to me.

Asta la vista lovelies,



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