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So! Guys, this is chapter tres  of The Jock's Tutor and I'm glad y'all are reading it. The image is of who I would imagine Dylan to look like. I don't think she's famous or anything, but she looks like Dylan, at least how I see Dylan. Anyways, on with the story.

∞Clash of Class∞ 


I am a clear scholar and everybody knows that. I focus on my classes and I get good grades, but I have been learning French since, like, the 8th grade and I can barely say Bonjour! My foreign language class is the only class I really don't enjoy sitting through. It was barely third period, but my stomach was yearning to go to lunch already. Looking at the clock at the front of the class, I notice there's only a few more minutes 'til the class is over. 

My mind was just done and I continued to stare at the clock, pushing up my glasses farther up my nose. Suddenly I feel someone breath on my neck. 

"Hey.", I heard Kat whisper, then I feel her nudge me with her elbow on my shoulder. I end up bending forward suddenly and quickly caught myself by straightening up in my chair. I pushed up my glasses and looked around, then realized the save Kat just gave me. 

"Miss Grey, do you mind saying our lesson's review words? En francais s'il vous plait.", Mr.Reyes says, directly at me. 

Trying to clear my thoughts, I clear my throat the room goes quiet. It was awkward and all eyes were on me. Having the class focused on me is not one of the best feelings. Ever. My cheeks were beginning to grow red and then began trying to open my mouth, but before I was able to speak the bell rang, signaling the end of class. 

The other students ran for the door, wanting to finish the school day just like any other high schooler would feel. I sigh in relief and the phrase 'Saved by the bell' became so real, I kid you not. As I grab my messenger's bag shoulder strap and pick up my French notebook, Kat eyes me with her 'you-got-lucky-this-time' look. I shyly shrug my shoulder as we get up and move towards the door. 

"Next time, Miss Grey, please pay more attention to my class or I will have to lower your grade and move your seat to where you can learn. Understood?", Mr.Reyes asks me, arching an eyebrow. 

All I do is nod and respond, "Of course. Yes."

When we finally exit the room, I feel a weight being lifted off of me and sigh really loudly. Kat was all smiles and smirks. 

"Seems like Mr.Reyes didn't get some last night. And I don't mean from a girl.", Kat says to me, walking down the hall. 

I feel a wave of shock hit me, "What?!"

Kat scoffs at me, "Please, a guy like that...he's definitely gay. Besides, I've seen the way the biology teacher flirts with him. He doesn't seem like the naive type and there is no other reason. Besides having a very gay French teacher, lets focus back on you."

"What about me?", I question, trying to stand on my tip toes. 

"You were way out of it today. Sometimes I swear your inner emo comes out at times. What's going on in your mind?", Kat asks. 

Knowing her, that was an insult/teasing joke, I roll my eyes at her, smirking. 

"Oh...The eye roll is back. What's brought this upon you, little nerd?", I hear Marc question beside me.

I roll my eyes again, and they chuckle. We had reached my locker and now we were walking towards our AP Calculus class. 

"You wouldn't want to know. Besides, I'm just tired of waiting for lunch. Some irritating fellow decided to eat my pancakes.", I told them, continuing to look back at Marc the whole time. Seeing me stare at him now without blinking, he raises his hands in defeat.

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