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        It was then that I finally feel my body react to myself again and let my eyes gradually open up from the empty void that was keeping me in a dark slumber.
       My eyes were beginning to open and shut very tightly, barely getting used to the blinding white light above me that soon enough became the ceiling lights. Once I adjusted my eyes and regained senses again in my body, I then realized I was lying on the bed inside the nurse's office, and the pounding in my head was aching. 
        I reach inside my head trying to remember what it was I was doing before I fell into complete sleep. All I can remember would be me in the halls and...and...talking to...Spencer. 
        His name sent another jolt of pain shoot up my skull, causing me to moan in pain and shaking my head to the side. Just as I turned, the door opened and in walked the devil himself, Spencer. He noticed my awakened figure and lets a strong breath out, seeming like he was holding it.
        "Dylan, thank god you're up.'m gonna go get the nurse. How you feelin'?", he asked.
       He hesitated for a second and didn't really understand why. The pouding was still strong, but I just sigh and try sitting up. My muscles ached and I was going to let myself fall, but Spencer grabbed my hand and held my back. I felt a blush rise up from the closeness between us and cleared my throat.
        "Thanks, Spencer.", I croaked. Damn, my throat was dry. I saw a glass of water was already set and I reached out to drink it. Soon enough I felt better and cleared my throat on purpose to speak, "I'm fine, just a slight headache. What happened? Did you stay with me the whole time?"
        Spencer just chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, "Well, we, um, had a bit of a heated discussion which I am truly sorry for. It was never my intention to hurt you." I cut him off by scoffing in his face, but he continued. "Don't do that, believe me I've heard that enough times from you. You fell and I caught you, but you wouldn't wake up so I brought you here and it's almost the end of sixth period."
        I then jumped off the bed and looked up at Spencer, pushing my glasses up in the process. Ow, head rush.
        "End of sixth period?! Are you serious? Why didn't you wake me up?!", I tried to yell.
        My head was still pounding, but not as much as before. Spencer stared at me stunned, but then shrugged and moved towards the other side of the room to give me my bag.
       Somehow this made me feel very warm inside and cause a smile to tug at the end of my lips. I forgot about my smile and then Spencer grinned over at me, finally catching my attention. I reached for my bag and set it across my shoulder. 
        Not really caring at this point, I walk closer to Spencer and reach out to hug him from the waist because I don't want to reach up to his neck.
       He was grounded for a second, but then slowly moved his arms to snake around my shoulder. His clothes still smelled like lavender and after shave, but it was his signature thing. When I began letting go, he did the same and I looked up at him. 
       I sighed, "After all this, I really don't want anymore of your bull and...I-I'm, um, give you a second chance. I don't w-wanna be stuck like this anymore. Just...don't make me r-regret this."
       Then I reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He stared at me with a genuine gleam in his eyes and a real smile plastered on his face. I was gonna move, but my feet were picked off the ground and spun around in Spencer's arms. He kissed my hair from the excitement most likely and then sighed, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dylan. You have no idea how good that makes me feel." 
        His arms were still wrapped around my waist and I was holding onto his shoulders still as I pushed my glasses up.
        Then the door opened and I was stunned to see Will looking inside. He was halfway through speaking when he noticed me and I remembered I was in Spencer's arms. I lightly pushed and then landed on my feet.
        My hands played with the hem of my sleeves and pushed up my glasses. Spencer ignored Will's gaze and lightly touched my back before leaving through the second door. Somehow, seeing Will looking at Spencer made me curious because Will seemed to have been seeing into Spencer's soul. Don't really know why though.
        "Uh...Will, what are you, um,", I barely mumbled out.
         Will seemed to want to smile, but repsonded, "I was looking for my forms for coach to see. What are you doing here? You alright...?"
        Somehow, I was at a loss of words. I opened and closed my mouth, but then more memories flooded my mind before letting my head pound once more. I groaned in pain, but answered anyways, "Great...awesome for you. T-this was not planned and, um, you came in...I was...he, sorry, Will.
        My head is in a...very different world and there's lots going on right now. I'll have to reschedule the tutoring session. Now I need to catch the, um, bus."
        I really wasn't in it. My mind was focused on other things that were more than Spencer, but too painful to think about without growing sad. I massaged my temples and moved towards the door, but Will grabbed my wrist.
        "Don't be like that. You serious? It doesn't matter what you did with Spencer, and I don't care, but you can't be walking home in the state you're in. I am not gonna cancel the session because I really need this so why don't we do this at your place, where you're comfortable?", asked Will. His voice seemed to somehow have strained when mentioning Spencer, but I also heard he wanted to come over my place. Not a good idea. 
         "No, you don't have to 'cause I'm...there's...I really...okay. We can go to my place.", I yawned. Then I felt myself grow another headache and involuntarily reached out to rest my arm and head across his shoulder. He held me and began walking us out to the parking lot. 

Adios my lovelies! Until next time.
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