07: Homecoming.

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» let's be alone together. we can stay young forever. «


"Thank you for coming with me Jasper." I said just above a whisper as the plane came to its landing. He turned his head to face me with a smile on his face. His eyes were bright gold as we just fed before we left Thailand. We had traveled across the world together and my was it marvelous. To have the love of your life by your side as you take on a journey where you didn't exactly know where to go next; it was something else. I owed it all the the Cullen family, and Emmett especially. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to meet my soulmate. I wouldn't have been able to complete this yearning I've had for so long. The truth was, I could've traveled the world before I met them. But something told me to wait for the right moment. Something told me to settle down for a little while before I explored the world. And my instincts were right. If I had gone without wanting to visit Emmett: I would have never met Jasper.

"Thank you for showing me the world darlin'." Jasper rested his forehead against the side of my head. He lovingly kissed my cheek as I smiled. He was truly something. I had thought I felt love all those decades ago with Emmett, but with Jasper... it was without a doubt, a million times more than I ever felt. They say if you fall in love a second time, you go with the second choice. Because if you were really in love the first time, you wouldn't have met the second. Boy, had that been true. I loved Jasper with every fiber of my being and I couldn't believe that it had taken this long to have found him. What's important though, was the fact I had him. That's the only thing that mattered to me now. I was his, and he was mine. His aura was always pink around me, and he always felt the happiness radiating off me as well. Though even without our special abilities, we could see we were truly happy by each other's side.

It was hard to get into the swing of not feasting on human blood for the first couple years. But I did it for Jasper. Even when the blood lust overcame me at times, I knew I had to stay strong for him. It was so much harder to control without Esme hassling me. I had to do a majority of the controlling by myself. He had been through so much in his life time. With time and focus; I was able to maintain a vampiric vegan diet. I found myself more at ease with it than Jasper was. As long as he was with me, he said his quench for human blood was nothing. He said I had given him his strength. It was crazy to think I had that type of effect on him, but he was mine as well. We were able to take planes easily as the days presented itself. To be contained in a huge metal contraption with dozens and dozens of humans inside, hearts beating, blood coursing through their veins; it was nothing. Our happiness distracted each other from it. We were always too engrossed in each other to pay attention to them.

"Alice would want to plan the entire wedding." Jasper chuckled as he finger ran over the diamond ring on my ring finger. Just before we had concluded the vacation; he proposed.

"You are the sun and moon and all my stars." Jasper began. I couldn't help but laugh at what he just said. That had to possibly be the corniest thing anyone had ever said to me in my lifetime. And I had lived the last eight decades. I let him know my thoughts and he cracked a smile. "For two minutes Sage, listen to me." He chuckled. He swung me around to face him. The moonlight glistened against his pale skin, and his eyes beamed with excitement. He was nervous, I could tell, but happy at the same time. "I have lived almost two centuries Sage. And for the first half, I was miserable." I could only imagine the pain he had been put through. The way he had been used and all the terrible emotions he felt along the way. "Even after I had been brought to the family, I always felt like part of me wasn't complete. That there was something missing from me. Then you came along. And everything changed. My view of the world, my view on life itself. And I'd be damned if I couldn't spend another minute in it without saying–" Jasper got down on one knee and held up a shiny diamond ring between his fingers. My mouth was agape in utter surprise. I had not been expecting this one bit. "Sage Bradshaw, will you marry me?"

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