Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End

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Kayano's P. O. V.

I walked alongside Okuda as we followed the redhead deeper and deeper into the forest. His footing was different from the usual confident stride. Instead he walked uneasily and fast, as if he needed to be somewhere in a hurry.

Suddenly, I felt a strong gust of wind as Koro-sensei rushed by us and toward the rough destination we were heading towards.

Why was he so worried? I wondered in my head and I wished I never received an answer for it was handed to me a second later.

"Nagisa!" Koro-sensei cried, his normal playfulness in his voice was gone and replaced with worry so thick anyone could tell.

I turned to Sugino who was next to me and we shared worried glances. We jogged quickly to where Koro-sensei and Karma was, Bitch-sensei and Karasuma-sensei quick on our tails.

When I arrived in the small clearing of trees I saw Karma leaning over a tree. Beside it was another person whose small figure was mostly hidden by the redhead and yellow octopus-like creature.

But I recognized the familiar blue hair that I was so used to. "Nagisa!" I shouted and ran next to Karma.

Other students were crowding around, I wasn't the only one who noticed the small details but when I arrived, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

The boy was indeed Nagisa but he was severely injured. There was a large gash through his stomach and his arms were adjourned with several cuts, both deep and shallow. His hair was let down, falling to his shoulders. Blood seeped from his wounds and there was a line of blood showing the path he took to make it to the tree. The blood started in the middle of the clearing and a familiar green object took my attention. It was the weapon that we were all given to kill Koro-sensei. It was cut in half!

"Nagisa!" Sugino yelled, gaping at what he saw.

"What's going on-" Bitch-sensei stopped mid sentence when she saw her student covered in blood. "Nagisa!" She shouted, worried. "What happened?" She looked at the rest of us but none of us had an answer.

"Is he okay?" Terasaka asked uneasily, making it easy to tell he didn't like excess blood one bit.

"Nagisa, hang in there!" Isogai shouted and turned to the other students and started barking orders to bring some medical supplies to take care of him.

"Nagisa-kun..." Okuda murmered shakily, her hand over her mouth, eyes wide in shock.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Its okay, Nagisa is strong." I tried to reassure her but I couldn't tell if I was trying her her or myself.

"Karma-kun, what happened here?" Koro-sensei finally asked, getting over the shock of his student getting hurt, although you could feel the anger in his voice.

All eyes turned to Karma except Karasuma-sensei who was calling a special military hospital and the few students that went with Isogai to the classroom to get some medical supplies.

Karma's voice faltered as he spoke. It was a new experience for all of us to hear Karma speak with so much fear.

"I was in the forest, wandering around when I saw Nagisa running toward my direction. He was holding his knife and his hair was undone so I thought something was wrong. I had just seen him in the classroom and he was totally fine." Karma began to explain the events that everyone wanted to hear.

"When I spoke out to him, he look reassured but fear was still plastered on his face. Then, Shiro came into the clearing."

At the introduction of Shiro, Itona cringed, remembering his former guardian.

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