Chapter 4: Messages

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Nagisa's P. O. V.

I woke up to the sound of a steady beep. There were adults talking around me and a man with spiky hair and long eyebrows in a suit held a phone in his hand, as if he was prepared to call someone in a second's notice.

I groaned and sat up, shocking the people around me. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying but I couldn't hear them. All I could hear was the beat of what I suppose was my heart.

"Nagisa!" I heard the man say and I looked up, drearily. He looked really happy.

'Nagisa.' Was that my name? I didn't when know my own name?

I blinked and the man was on his phone, chatting with someone and I heard him say 'Nagisa' and 'awake.'

So, was my name Nagisa?

The man hanged up the phone and looked back at me. "How do you feel, Nagisa?" He asked me, polite and serious.

I didn't know how to respond to that. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked and I almost immediately regretted it. The look on the man's face. His sadness and horror from that statement.

He tried to hide it but I could somehow see his true feelings. "You don't remember me, Nagisa?"

"Nagisa. Is that my name?" I asked him, curious.

His eyes widened. "Yes, your name is Nagisa Shiota."

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're-" the man started to speak but was interrupted by the sound of the door banging open. I looked over and saw a rather busty blonde woman who looked about in her 20s and a bunch of other kids, that looked around my age, behind her.

"Nagisa!" They all screamed and rushed into the room. But they weren't the only ones that came in. Another thing entered the space. It looked like an yellow octopus with too many tentacles to count. It had clothes on like a human but what stuck me the most odd was the fact that I wasn't scared or surprised. Instead, I felt something else for the creature. Trust? Respect?

Before I could think further, a girl with green hair in pigtails hugged me, tears forming in her eyes. "Nagisa! I'm so glad you're okay!"

I patted her back, not knowing what else to do. I didn't know this girl. But somehow she knew me.

"Um.." I started to say, grabbing the students' attention. "Do I know you?"

The girl froze, as did the others. Maybe I shouldn't have said that so suddenly, they looked so happy.

"You don't know us?" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asked me. I shook my head.

"Karasuma! What happened?" The blonde woman asked the man with the spiky hair, apparently his name was Karasuma.

"I'm not sure, " he answered, "he just woke up but for some reason he doesn't remember anyone, not even himself."

The two engaged in a conversation, the yellow creature joining in. In the meanwhile, I surveyed my surroundings. Maybe I'd see something familiar and make all of these people loss their worries.

I glanced around the 30 or so kids that had previously entered the room, checking if any seemed familiar.

Then I saw him. A familiar redhead hiding in the crowd, his face knit was worry and guilt. I knew him!

"Karma-kun!" I exclaimed and everyone stopped talking. All eyes were on me, then Karma.

"Nagisa, you know me?" Karma spoke, his voice uneasy and afraid.

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