Chapter 6: A Contract

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2 Weeks Earlier...

Hiromi's P. O. V.

I stared at the clock on my kitchen wall, watching it tick as the seconds passed by.

Nagisa was late to get home, again. Lately, Nagisa has been coming home late more often.

I was worried. What if Nagisa was being bullied after school and was to afraid to tell me?

I've also noticed that Nagisa doesn't confide in me as much. After a day of school, Nagisa used to always come and tell me what happened but that no longer happens anymore. It was strange.

I've also noticed something else. This had all started after a month of Nagisa being in class 3-E. And something about the teacher gave me a stranger vibe.

What was his name? Um... Karasuma? Whatever, he didn't seem to be a teacher, he looked like some sort of military officer and there was no way that the principal would spare such a guy in a worthless class such as the End Class.

It was frustrating when you didn't know what your child was up to. Especially when its your only child.

I heard the door swing open and I smiled. I turned around. "Welcome back Nagi-"

I stop midway when I saw that it wasn't my child at the door but a man in full while, his face covered almost covered with the white fabric.

I stood up from my chair so quickly that it fell to the ground. "Who are you?" I demanded, putting every ounce of authority into the statement.

He smirked and raised his hands in surrender. "Calm down, I am here to talk about Nagisa."

I narrowed my eyes threateningly. "How do you know my daughter?" I asked, venom lacing the words.

His eyes laughed and he spoke calmly. "We have much to discuss..." He said, piquing my interest.

I folded my arms and nodded for him to began talking. "Talk or I call 911." I told him and he let himself sit on one of my dining table chairs.

"Let's start with this." He began, "Your child is trying to kill his teacher."

I was so shocked that I let it slide that the man called my daughter a male. My baby was a killer?

"How do I know I can believe what you are telling me?" I asked him, giving him a kind of ultimatum.

"Just hear me out to the end and you'll believe me." The man answered and I raised my eyebrows. I didn't believe him at all but I was curious to hear what he had to say about Nagisa since I have been getting the feeling that something was wrong.

"You're child's teacher is the one who blew up the moon to the way it is now. He is able to move at speeds up to Mach 20 and also is  capable of destroying the world. He told the Military of Defense that he would teach Class 3-E and would promise not to hurt any of the students."

"Bullcrap!" I yelled, slamming my hands onto the table, my emotions running wild. "Why the hell would they allow a monster to teach a bunch of middle-schoolers? A monster that is capable of destroying the freakin' world!" I laced the word 'monster' with disgust and hatred, putting all my current anger on this monster that I never even met.

"Indeed so, I agree wholeheartedly with you but the government, apparently, doesn't. From what I have heard, the monster creature signed a contract when he became a teacher." The man was calm and collected but his voice was so monotone that I guessed that he rehearsed this earlier.

"A contract?" I murmured, human curiosity running through my veins.

"That he would promise not to harm any of the students but still allow them to, everyday, make attempts to assassinate him. Plus, there is a military slave worker and a slutty woman assassin who work as teachers alongside the monster."

I frowned. "But what does this have to do with my Nagisa?"

The man took a deep breath before speaking again, as if preparing himself for something. "Nagisa has bloodlust that if both dangerous to him and to you. He started hanging out with a boy who is also dangerous; Karma Akabane. Everyday, Nagisa is exposed to fighting and dangerous bloodlust that influences him to want to kill more and more."

I gasped. Karma Akabane? Did he mean that redheaded boy that Nagisa used to hang out with? He was dangerous?

"So," I started to recap on what I just heard. "You're saying that my daughter is part of a class with a world-destruction capable monster and horrible influences which influence her to be a..a killer?"

"An assassin." He corrected.

I narrowed my eyes, my mind swarming with ideas that came from my newly gathered information.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "Even if it was true." I quickly added.

"I would like to make a contact with you." He stated emotionlessly.

I raised my eyebrows.

"You have a connection to Nagisa that no one else can come close to. I would like to help you, and Nagisa by wiping his memory clean of only you. This way, he won't be influenced by other people, including the students and staff at Class 3-E."

"Wipe her memory? You are able to do that?" I asked, delaying the time of my answer.


"What's the catch? There must be one." I said and his eyes twinkled in excitement, surprising me that he could show such emotions.

"Nagisa will kill his-"

"her." I corrected.

"Very well. Nagisa will kill her teacher. Doing this will give her the ten million bounty that is on his head. With the money, we'll split it forty percent for you and sixty percent for me."


Those were really good terms. Nagisa would only remember me and we would have the money to move and start over, without anyone else.

"I will come back tomorrow for your answer. Please think it through before then." He told me and I realized that he was already halfway through the door. How did he move that fast?

"Wait! What's your name?" I called out to him.

He hesitated before answering. "My name is   Yanagisawa, Kotaro Yanagisawa."

He said, before walking out, leaving me speechless.

Why did he sound so sad when he said his name? And why did it sound so fake?

I didn't have much time to think about it when Nagisa opened the door and walked in.

"Hi, mom." She said happily, waving toward me.

"Ah, welcome home my dear Nagisa. How was your day?" I asked her and she hesitated.

"It was good." Was the only response before claiming to need to study for the tests tomorrow.

As I watched her climb the stairs to her room, I realized something.

I wasn't seeing Nagisa. Her back was faced towards me, blocking me from the view that enters her mind.

And that's when I decided it.

I was going to make the contract with Yanagisawa-san.


Ahh!! I apologize for the slow update but I did it!

And oh my god, over 300 views??

That's amazing!!

I never thought I'd get that much views.

So, this chapter is dedicated to all my followers and all the people reading this story.

Thank you so much for taking your time to read my stories!

Remember to comment, vote, share, and Enjoy!

Stay Epic.


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