I've been dreaming of this

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Ashley's POV

I'm so happy Wendy is letting Ashton live with me!My little princess is going to be living with me.She will love it!I hope the guys love her like I do.Okay sweetie I'll drive you home so you can pack for the rest of tour okay? She nodded really fast I could tell she was really happy.

*Time skip to Ashton's house* 

Okay go get packed and with that she was in her room in ten second. "Wendy um so how have you been?" "Don't talk to me Ashley." She snapped back at me. Sorry. I said.I mean I feel bad for messing up our relationship. I headed up to Ashton's room. I knocked she opened the door. She was all packed. Ready to go? "Yea I just have to grab one thing." I grab her bag as she pits her backpack on and grabs the bvb blanket I gave her when she was four. "Okay now I'm ready." We headed out to the bus. "Ashton!"Cc yelled like he normally does."Ahh Cc!" Ashton screamed as Cc tackled her."What are you doing here I haven't seen you since you where five." Cc finally claimed down. "I'm going to live with dad."she was really happy when she said it. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be thirteen I seems like just yesterday she was born.

Ashton's POV

I was sitting in my bunk witch is across from my dad's under Andy's and Jinxx and Jake are on both sides of me. I heard giggling I thought one of the girl's was visiting and I was alone on the bus because the guys and dad went to a party and Jinxx said they would be but in like an hour or so. I got out of my bunk and as soon as I got out of the bunk alley I could smell whiskey and I saw my dad with some woman. "Okay dad let's get you in bed and I'm sorry but you have to leave. Once I got my dad in his bunk and sleeping the girl was still on the bus. "Why did you take my man away and why are you on here this is for the black veil brides and the friends,family and girls they bring on here not fans." I hate to admit it but she was being a really big bitch. "Well one he's drunk and two he's my dad so I can be on this bus." I tried to be nice but didn't do a good job of it. "You little bitch go kill yourself." She yelled and it had been two hours I heard my dad wake up "Ashton is right you need to leave the bus please" my dad stated as I got him two advil for the hangover he'd get later.

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