Chapter 14

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~Chat Noir's P.O.V~

(Y/n) growls at me. This is going to be hard. 

"(Y/n).." Nathanael says. Ladybug holds him back but he's fighting back. (Y/n) is different usually akumatized people will be angry and selfish but she's sad and depressed. Hawkmoth will try to make her angry. 

"Let go!" Nathanael says.

"I can't! If her hand touches you, you'll disappear!" Ladybug warns. Nathanael still fights back but Ladybug puts a firm grasp on his arms. All I need to do is pin her down and break the necklace. No harm done! I smile at the thought and I run to her. (Y/n)'s eyes watch my every move. I jump and tackle her down.

"(Y/n) please I don't want to hurt you..!" I stay struggling to pin her down.

"That's all you've done to me!" She screams. 

"(Y/n) stay still" I say and successfully pin her down. Her cat eyes scan around and I see Ladybug coming. Then (Y/n) bites me.

"Meow!" I howl. "Oh you bad bad kitty."

She hisses and head butts me. 

"Chat!" Ladybug yells and I hug (Y/n) tightly.

"Let go!" She hisses "Or I'll make you disappear!"

"You won't do it" I say hugging her tightly, her heart beating fast. 

"Try me cat!" She hisses she pins me down and holds my hands down with one hand and her other hand threateningly close to my face.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Nathanael yell. She looks up glaring. "(Y/n) please stop"

"Why? Why should I? You left me!" She yells and her tears fall on my face. "Even when you said you'd never leave me!"

"I will never leave you trust me! I'm sorry! You're my best friend! I shouldn't have left you" Nathanael says and I look at him and for not even a second, his teal eyes glance at her necklace which is dangling right over me. Of course!

"Nathanael.." (Y/n) says slowly. I snatch the necklace and push her off of me. (Y/n) hisses and tries to claw at me.

"Aw~ (Y/n) you've been a very naughty kitty lately" I say with a teasing smirk. Suddenly her hand comes in contact with my cheek harshly before I toss the necklace over to Ladybug. I look at her in shock as my cheeks stings.

"I hate you Chat Noir! I don't love you!" (Y/n) yells with hatred. I hear Ladybug break it and (Y/n) turns back into her normal self but I stand there still shocked. 

"She didn't mean it Chat, she was akumatized" Ladybug says carrying the unconscious (h/c) haired girl. 

"But she yelled it like she did.." I say. Nathanael pats my shoulder but I shrug him off.

"I'll take her home" Ladybug says. 

"I'll go with-"

"No both of you go home" Ladybug demands. "I'm sure she still isn't fit to see Nathanael yet and I'm sure you're not fit to see her Chat."

Before Nathanael can protes, she's already off. Nathanael glances at me and picks up (Y/n)'s sketchbook. 

"I'll be on then" Nathanael sighs and he walks away. My ring beeps and I stay quiet. I look up at the sky and silently go home. My heart hurts.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I groan and open my eyes tiredly feeling a big headache.

"What's...What's going on?" I ask. I see Ladybug talking to mom. 

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