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Fire tore at a house, tearing it down beam by beam. I rubbed the crust out of my eyes and stood, the news reports were always on in the morning, but I never pay attention. Some house or another burns down, someone was shot, three die in horrific car crash, that kind of shit ruins your day, so you tune it out. I went to the closet right by the door and grabbed my coat, it was a large, black coat covered in hair, it had three large, black buttons that had all fallen off by that point, yet no one seemed to notice. I threw on the coat and tucked my phone into the inside pocket. "Are you ready, Riley" Dad asked as he always did. I rub my fingers thru my long, unruly, main of a hairstyle, and breath out my response. I thought that day would be like any other day, it was not.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I said.

The car ride is kind of long so let me tell you about myself. My name is Riley Glasen, I live in Alaska. I am around 5'7 and weigh 281 pounds, i'm a hefty Man. I wear either striped or plain shirts with collars, you know, the type with the three buttons that go down. That's about all you kneed to know about me.

Dad pulled up next to the curb of the school, I hopped out of the car and grabbed my backpack, which is more of a portable locker than a backpack. I sling it over my shoulder and say goodbye to my dad. you probably thought I was going to leave things unspoken between us, but in reality, i love my father, we don't speak much but when we do, they tend to be pleasant and intellectual conversations. I don't really fight with my family and there are people who get along with their parents in the real world, so i'm not saying something like I Hate You or you ruined my life for a little bit of pull, this is not that kind of story.

I sat down at the breakfast table me and my friends claimed as our own. I was the first one their by only a couple of seconds, second joined me was Dakota, he was tall and annoying, and didn't really fit with the rest of the group, but we had accepted him after a while. You just had to get used to his dark mindset. Me and him talked for a moment before we were joined by Casey, he was, well, insane. He was one of my oldest friends and i still have great respect for the man, but he was as likely to punch you as he was to compliment you. Then came Mitchell, he was short and bald, and kind of bulky like me, but he was intelligent and kind hearted. Then came Peter, he was a pretty renown poet in our school, but he didn't see himself as popular, we let him into the groups inner circle when we helped him through a hard time in his life, but the man had a heart of gold and we all respected him. last came Toby, if anyone were to be the leader of the group's inner circle, it would be me or Toby, although most tended toward me. Toby was bright, he was thoughtful and, although respectful of others ideas, tended to have his own ideals and stuck with them. There were others in the group, the Misfits I called us, but we six made up the inner circle, the elite minded of our group. "So, shall we begin?" Asked Toby, I nodded, and the group gathered around me, I started telling my tale, telling them what each of their roles were, then put them in a situation and let them find a way out, as they worked together to stop one problem, i would throw another at them, soon friendships and rivalries started to form. This was an art form we had started as a group, we called it the Scenario. It was a role playing game in witch one of us, the story teller, would come up with a story and put them each in the story as well, and the rest would put in their two cents on what their characters did. and then the story teller decides, not with dice like some games, but with wit, what happens to them. the teller had to be fair, but not allow them to get into a rhythm. Funnily, the Scenario we had started that day

was about the Zombie Apocalypse.

I Killed The Zombie PrincipalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora