The Library

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"No" Dakota said. Casey sitting next to him. 

"What, I just asked you to leave" Casey said, lightly punching Dakota on the shoulder.

"Leave the library, where it's safe" Dakota exclaimed. Meanwhile, over by the computers away from the two, Sara and Peter sat together chatting.

"Do you think they'll make it back?" he asked.

"maybe, but we'll see" she said, she was very skeptical of the group so far, none of them seemed in shape and the fire alarm was going off, they had heard some sounds outside, but so far no real attempts have been made to enter the Library. She looked thru one of the cracks in the boards that coat the window, multiple zombies were walking by.

"HELP" a man screamed, running by the window before getting taken down right out of sight. She backed away and gasped, she had never been exposed to so much death. then the Fire alarm shut off, but was replaced with a new sound, that of a voice.

"Greetings those of my new Playpen, we are now in charge, my name is, well, not important, but you can call me Voice, as that is all I will be to you, you'll have no doubt noticed the Fire alarm ringing recently, that was us, we are stirring them up, and if you wan't to survive, you'll have to follow our orders, we can hold off the zombies here, but if the fire alarm were to go off for an extended period of time, well, you'd all die, so when we give you instructions, you'll follow them. now, have a good day, Falcons out" the voice proclaimed over the loud speakers. Sara had no idea who this Voice was, or the Falcons, but she was worried, she wen't behind the librarians desk and curled up into a little ball.

She was scared.

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