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"You gave away our food" Sara demanded. I held up two bags, "Just a bag, and I got us a weapon and relative safety from The Falcons" I said. She looked skeptical.

"Why'd you lie about your name?" Toby asked. I ran a single hand through my hair, "so that they don't know who I am, they are holed up in the office but probably have no access to records, right now they just think Pip McFlynn is another man in their pocket" I said, then I turned to the rest of the group.

"We, together, will infiltrate the Falcons, and when they least expect it, we will overthrow them, instead of putting fear in the people's hearts of this school, we will try to find a common point where we can go, and share our food, ration it out" I said.

dinner didn't last long, The six of us split a single can of backed beans between us. Meanwhile, we chatted, enjoyed each others company. A few hours later and we heard a knock on the door, Toby readied his club and we approached the door, Casey following us. "Help me, I'm hurt" a small voice said on the other side of the door. Me and Toby began moving the shelves out of the way, Casey pulling from the back and stepping right in front of the door as it was clear, This was a mistake.

I started opening the door, but before it was fully opened a large man kicked it in and sent me to the ground. He had a large mettle pipe that he thrust forward at Casey, who was immediately impaled through the gut, Toby Hit the man with his club, and I yanked the Make-shift spear out of his hands, not hurting Casey too much.

"We need the food, WE NEED IT" the man yelled as we pushed him to the floor, Dakota was helping Casey to the ground and Peter was resealing the door. "it's only been a around 18 hours since the school fell into chaos, how could you need food so much?" I asked the man we had pinned to the ground. "The Falcons, they started in the room across ours, They demanded Food from us first, we aren't able to keep up, they have fireworks that they set off near our rooms, they call the Zombies to us" he said, "WE NEED YOUR FOOD" he screamed. Toby clocked him in the head with his club. "Okay, Toby, go to the Nurses Office, I'll need to keep Casey from bleeding out, Dakota, your sick in the head, If this guy doesn't talk, torture him for information on the falcons, but only as a last resort, Peter, keep him in check." I bellowed out the orders and went to Casey's side.

 Sara was already by him and checking his pulse. I grabbed the spear and held it in place. "Sara, hold this here" I ordered, she held the spear in Casey's wound. I took off my jacket and asked to get me some scissors, She nodded and then ran to get them, I cut off the arms of my jacket and tied them together. I looked Casey in the eye and said one word.

"Sorry" I said as I pulled the Spear from his gut, It went through the left side of his body and seemed to magically miss the most important of internal organs. I quickly wrapped my coat arms around him, and tightened it to were the bleeding was slowing. I held pressure On the wound with my arms, and instructed Sara to move him to the ground so that the small exit wound on his back would also benefit from the pressure.

"will he be okay?" Sara asked me, I sighed.

"We'll have to wait for Toby to get what he can from the Nurses office.

I Killed The Zombie PrincipalWhere stories live. Discover now