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"Shit" Toby whispered, crouched behind the desk. I put my finger to my lips, the Fire alarm still went off and is probably what drew them here, where it echoed of the walls and amplified the noise. With this going through my head, I assumed that rooms like the theater and the gym might also be overrun, and the Library was probably dealing with some stress too, although it was barred pretty tight last time I saw it. I peeked over the counter, there was about ten of them, but a couple of them were guarding the door that led out of here.

"I'll distract them" I said, Toby looking at me funny, "I run for the door, make a quick circle around the room, during which you run to the door, Hold it open for me as I run to you and then we close it and bar it with this" I said, holding up a mop that was laying on the kitchen floor. Toby looked as if he were going to protest, but I gave him my most determined look, He nodded.

I hop over the ledge with only a knife I had found in the kitchen to protect me, I ran, yelling as I did, "come and get me, suckers" I yelled. They all began chasing me around the lunch room.

A quarter circle.

I see Toby's head pop over the counter.

half circle.

we are right by the counter.

four quarter circle.

Toby runs, making it to the door in record speed.

full circle and I'm out the door. we shut the door and shoved the mop into the two small loops that functioned as door handles. then we both sigh and turn around.

To find a full horde of zombies staring us down.

I Killed The Zombie PrincipalWhere stories live. Discover now