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I exited the Library, It was time to strike at the heart. Me, Toby, and Dakota ran down the halls, Matt and Mitch stayed behind to look after the base. We reached the Hallway door, witch was now closed and guarded, and attacked directly. This was Gorilla warfare, we ran, we attacked, and then we moved on, they had two people on the door, Toby Stabbed one thru his exposed gut, making him the second official killer of the group, followed by Dakota, who plunged his knife into the mans throat. I kicked to doors open and Threw my bat into the chest of one of the guards, and continued running toward the Office. I entered the office which only had three guards and Voice inside. I pulled out a knife I had on my ankle and Killed one of the guards before they could do anything. I then kicked the body into the third guard and threw my knife at the second one, it punctured his neck. The third guard stood up and I kicked his chest and he fell to the ground, winded. Then the voice drew his gun.

And I drew mine.

It was a flare gun, and only had one shot, but that was all I needed.

I pulled the trigger before he could and the flare flew right into his eye. I knew I only had a couple seconds before I was attacked. I turned on the speakers.

"Survivors, now is your chance, Join the library's rebellion, or go down with the Falcons, I have the voice on the ground writhing in pain, but I'm going to kill hi..." an arrow plunged it's self into the counter that the intercom rested on, I hopped onto the counter and clicked off the speaker, but then a second arrow hit me in the shoulder. Pushing me into the safety of the other side of the counter. Now, if you've been to school, you probably think this side of the counter would have a large exit, but that was sealed shut by large wooden planks. arrow after arrow thwonked into the counter and I just sat their, waiting for doom. But then I heard the shouting. they stopped firing at me. I peeked over the counter to see a hooded figure with a pen in his hand standing over three dead bodies. Toby was next to him as was Dakota, all of whom had coats of blood on. The hooded man removed his hood and I saw Casey, standing slightly hunched with a hand on his gut. I hopped over the counter and made my way to them.

"Voice?" I asked.

"they got away with him" Casey said. I sighed. I turned around and turned on the intercom, "listen carefully, this is the new regime, if you have food, take it to the cafeteria for communal sharing. and Voice, you may have gotten away but I...We will not stop until the Falcons surrender or are killed off, that is your choice" I spoke. Casey sat down next to me. I finished the announcement. "as for the rest of you, we need to work together if we are to survive this. the school cannot survive in small factions like this. so please, i'm not asking you to join me, I'm asking you to help me" I ended.

But I knew the Falcons were scheming as we speak. It was only a mater of time. 

I Killed The Zombie PrincipalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant