College Story ( Chapter 4 )

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happy HAPPY happy

:))))))))))))))))))) :)))))))))))) :)))))))))))))))))))) :))))))))))))))))

lolz i'm bored! loz


"Beep, Beep!"

"Ughhh..." I groaned while slamming my hand down on the snooze button and covering my head with my pillow.

When I had finally made it back to my dorm last night it was close to 3:30 am.

It is now 7:00 am.

You could only imagine how tired I am.

A girl does need her beauty sleep and a girl plotting and planning the end to Jason ....Blank's? fun and jolly filled frat days, needs a good nights rest even more. I really had my work cut out for me. (you know, that would have sounded so much cooler if I had known his last name.)

I new relatively nothing about this guy except that he's a jerk. In order to properly get back at someone you need to know a few things about them.

Where there from, where they went to school, social security number... well okay we don't need to go that far. I'm not going to get back at him by giving him bad credit.

Getting back at someone is really harder than it seems. You really have to give it up to the Dr. Evil's and Joker's of the world because they make it look so easy and really it's a lot of hard work. That's why I picked up this book on my way back to my dorm last night, "Revenge For Dummies."

So basically there's three basic guide lines you have to fallow in the sanctity of getting even against some one who has wronged you.

1)Firstly, you have to be organized and have a good strategy. You are nothing with out a strategy.

2) Secondly, you need to have some really good dirt or something they want and remember you always have to be one step ahead of the game or Bam everything can be ruined as fast as Bam see what women the second Bam came out of no where. On your Toes People!

(And I'm not shouting at you, that's just what it says.)

3) Lastly, you must remember at all times, that HE is the enemy! If you let yourself forget that for one second, there's no telling what can happen.

As you could see, I really have my work cut out for me. What with being a full time college student I would have to do it on my off time because I had class and school came first. I was here on a scholarship and couldn't afford to let my grade falter in the slightest.

Grabbing my toiletries I headed down the hall to the dorm showers to get a quick rinse in before class. Normally I wouldn't have bothered, but this is one class I would not show up to looking like I just rolled out of bed and here's the reason why, Professor Matt Sheppard. He is ultimately one gorgeous man. He's tall, with dark brown eyes and thick dark hair he is constantly running his fingers through in the most alluring way.

I know what your thinking it's unhealthy for a girl to crush on one of her Professors, but that's all it is, it's just a crush.

I pulled on my favorite pair of jeans and a black tank top, it was 7:45 so I wouldn't have time for breakfast. I swung my bag over my shoulder and remembered to grab my hooded sweatshirt before running out the door in a hurry. He might be one hot professor, but he still didn't tolerate tardiness.

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