Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       Elizabeth was just finished up the salad when there was a knock on the door. She wiped her hands off on the apron she was wearing and walked to the door. She paused and took a deep breath. She opened it to a smiling Marcella. 

       "Marcella, come in, please." 

       Marcella walked in the apartment, her shoes clicking on the floor. She took her shoes off and put her jacket on the back of the sofa. She looked around the apartment before she turned to look at Elizabeth who was back in the kitchen.  

       Liz looked up when she saw Marcella approach out of the corner of her eye. She took a second to take in Marcella's appearance. Her black conservative dress hints at the barest of cleavage and shows enough leg to be appropriate. She must have come straight from work. Her black hair was still up in its chignon and her olive skin reflected the light. 

       "I'm making chicken parmesan with noodles and sauce. I hope that's okay." 

       Marcella smiled and nodded her head.  

       Elizabeth finished the salad and set that aside. She walked to the oven and leaned over to get the chicken out. 

       "Marcella. You remember where the wine and the glasses are don't you? Would you get them for me?" 

       "Si, bella."  

       Liz was very aware of where Marcella was. The kitchen was tiny and when Marcella bumped against her, her skin tingled. She found herself cussing Sarah in her head. She turned to put the kitchen on the table and found Marcella behind her holding two glasses of wine. 

       Liz smiled at her and walked around to put the kitchen on the table. She turned and took the glass of white wine that Marcella offered. They clinked glasses. 

       "To your opening show. May it bring all of the publicity we need." 

       "To my painting, it will tell you I'm right." 

       Marcella threw her head back and laughed. She put her hand at the small of Liz's back and guided them toward the table. 

       "You are funny, bella. Now, let's eat." 

       They made idle chit chat during the meal. Liz found herself questioning all of the words that Marcella said and the gestures she made. She cursed Sarah in her head again. 

       Eventually they finished the meal and left the dishes on the table. They poured some more wine in their glasses and walked to Elizabeth's studio. They walked in and as soon as Marcella saw it she gasped. 

       "But it is gorgeous, bella! Of course it has to be in the show! You can just sense the emotion coming from the canvas!" 

       Liz watched as Marcella's joy faded to pain. 

       "You can feel the pain radiating from it." 

       Marcella turned to look at Liz. 

       "Did something happen, bella? What happened to have made you hurt this badly?" 

       Liz took a drink from her glass. She smiled lightly at her. 

       "I stubbed my toe that day. It was bleeding." 

       Marcella quickly shook her head no. 

       "That comes from nerve endings, this painting says it comes from the heart. Bella, you can talk to me about anything. We're friends, no?" 

       Marcella walked towards Liz and put her hand on her arm. 

       Liz found herself smiling a little at her. 

       "We are Marcella, but it's not something I want to talk about right now." 

       Marcella smiled and then backed away. 

       "Well you made me eat my words, bella. It doesn't need a title. It will speak to everyone there. I hate to ask you of this, Elizabeth, but do you think you will be able to make more paintings like this? This will be the one that everyone will want." 

       Elizabeth found herself smiling a little. She turned to look out the window. 

       "I don't think that will be a problem, Marcella." 

       Marcella took her glass from her and put both of them down on a table. She drew Liz in for a hug. 

       "You are a beautiful person, Liz. On the inside as well as the outside." 

       Liz found herself shivering when she felt that against her neck. She hugged her back. And when they pulled away, their eyes met. Elizabeth was the one that broke the contact and reached for her glass. She took a swig before she looked at Marcella. Her eyes were a little sad. 

       "I want you to come out with me this weekend. There is a new club that opened. It's called The Clubhouse. You might like it." 

       Liz found herself smiling at the change in subject. 

       "I would love to but I can't. I already made plans for this weekend with Benji." 

       Marcella smiled a little bit more. 

       "Well, who knows, maybe we'll run into each other this weekend." 

       Elizabeth chuckled at that. 


       Marcella finished her wine and they chatted for a couple of more minutes before she left. The door closed behind her and Liz found herself exhausted.  

       She was getting ready for bed when she heard the front door open and close. Footsteps walked in the hallway. There was a stumble. She stood up and opened the door and watched Sarah close her bedroom door behind her. She walked over to the door and knocked.  

       There was shuffling around before Sarah opened the door. 

       "What do you want, Liz? To yell at me some more?" 

       Elizabeth could smell the alcohol on her breath. 

       "You're drunk and probably won't remember this in the morning but I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. I should have told you what was going on." 

       Sarah's scowl turned into a guilty look. 

       "I'm sorry to Liz. I don't want you to think that I did anything to make this worse for you." 

       Liz paused. 

       "What do you mean by that?" 

       "I don't want you to fall for me, Liz. I'm bad news. We're friends." 

       Liz felt tears in the back of her eyes. 

       "What makes you think I'd fall for you? Stop being conceited, Sarah." 

       Sarah smiled at that. 

       "You think that Liz. It'll save us both a lot of trouble. Goodnight." 

       Sarah closed the door gently in Liz's face. Liz found herself turning and walking back to her room in a daze. She sat down on her bed, stunned at what just happened. She shook herself out of it and convinced herself she was dreaming.  

       She fell asleep and dreamed again. Of her and Sarah, wrapped in sheets in the early morning, caressing each other. Only this time, Marcella was behind her, stroking her back and thighs.  

       She woke up the next morning hot and bothered. And in a grumpy mood.

(A/N: *unedited)

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