Chapter Two - Laughs And Play Pretend

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"Yeah, why not?" Asked Louis in a careless voice.
He tore a page from his notebook and crumbled it up. He looked at his target, calculating how strong and how high would he have to throw to hit perfectly. He waited for the teacher to turn around and threw.
Harry turned around, looking to see who threw the paper ball at him. Louis snickered, looking at Harry with victory in his eyes. As soon as Harry noticed Louis looking at him, he tqurned his head and looked down at his lap.
Louis was greeted with a high five from Nick, one of his best friends.
The lesson went by quickly, with a swearword whispered in Harry's direction every ten minutes or so, three doodles and lots of dicks drawn on the table and Louis' notebook.
A ring was heard and soon enough all of the students evacuated the class. Harry stayed there, waiting for everyone to go away.
"Bye, darling. 'till next time," Louis said, hitting Harry in the head while passing besides him, going out of the class.
He went to his locker, placed right next to Candine's one. Sadly, she was there.
"Hi, Louis..." She smirked. "Wanna, ya know, do something sometime?" She asked.
"What kind of thing?" Asked Louis, rolling his eyes.
"Like..." She moved a bit, "Maybe a date?" She smirked again, clearly pushing her boobs up.
"Fook off!" Louis closed his locker, walking away from her.
This happened often enough, Louis was quite used to it. He didn't feel bad about pushing the girls away, though. He did feellbad at the beggining, but soon enough he saw they moved on five minutes later.
He walked through the hall, on his way to class.
The halls were empty, as always, since class started about five minutes ago. Louis heard a pair of feet running through the halls, slowly coming closer. The closer they came to Louis, the slower they became. The noise stopped.
Louis looked to the back, seeing Harry, his bag thrown on his back, carrying two textbooks. His eyes were a bit puffy and bloodshoot, and something about that made Louis feel uncomfortable.
"Harry? What are you doing late?" Louis said, stepping closer. "Did you run to cry to mommy?" He said in a baby voice.
Harry's eyes widened, filling with fear.
"I, uh, I was just g-going to class," He said, taking another step back.
Louis smirked as he took another step towards Harry.
Shit, thought Harry.

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