Chapter Seven - He's On Fire

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Harry froze. He couldn't move. His hand was held behind his back, it's wrist sore.

Louis had an unreadable expression on his face. Harry could only assume he was mad. He knew every moment of him doing nothing only made Louis more furious. Harry's bottom lip started to tremble. He had to do something.

Without thinking, Both of Harry's hands flew forward. He pushed Louis away. He used the two seconds of Louis being too shocked to do anything and grabed his bag. Harry's legs just started moving by themselves. He was running towards some hallways he knew very well from his days of wondering around.


This is a misteke. Harry thought. You're just making him hate you more. He heard running from behind. He's gonna get you soon. He began running faster, taking unexpected turns.

Louis didn't know these halls at all. He was starting to get lost, with Harry's footsteps getting more and more distant. He slowed down and finally stopped, knowing that running would be pointless in this situation. He saw a sign with the school map on it.He mumbled a quick 'Yes' under his breath and looked for the way out.

Harry, on the other hand, was starting to get dizzy from all of the running. His chest felt like it was on fire.Harry got to the main office, stopping in front of the door for a second to catch his breath. He knocked on the door.

"Come in," He heard a feminine voice and walked in.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles from 10th grade," She typed something in her computer.

"Yes?" She kept typing.

"I... Uh... I have s family gathering today and I-I need a checkout paper please?" He did his best to not pant ormake a suspicious noise.

"Alright. Let me just call your mum," She picked u the phone.

"Wait, no!" He took a step forward. "She... Uh, Her phone isn't working." He was glad the woman smiled and handed him one.

"Good luck," She was back to typing.

Harry walked out rather 'calmly', but as soon as the door closed he threw his bag on his back and started running towards the entrence. He handed the paper to the school's guard and walked out.

He walked to the end of the street, where no one from school could see him, and started rinning again.

Louis got to the area of the office and lookedaround but he didn't see anyone. He walked closer to the door, seeing one of Harry's pencils was lying on the ground. He picked it up, sighing.

The first lesson started a couple of minutes ago, Harry must be there.

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