Chapter Five - Stop It

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Harry walked upstairs again, reaching his room. He locked the door quickly.
Louis looked in awe.
So it was Harry...
Harry, not noticing Louis, grabbed a short t-shirt, sitting back down on the chair. He was slowly taking his long sleeved shirt off so his bruised arm wouldn't be injured.
Louis gasped, seeing small redish lines decorating his arm. Some were faded, some were looking more recent. Harry stopped for a second, running his fingers over them.
Louis felt... He felt incredibly guilty. Harry put on a short sleeved shirt, his scars visible.
He looked down, sighing.
Louis stared, for about five minutes, at the misrable looking young lad.
Harry finally looked up, facing his computer. He typed something and clicked a few times.
Louis threw the rest of his food away, going up to his room. He looked out, searching for the now framiliar window. He saw it, but it was obvious Harry couldn't view him from there. Louis closed the curtains in guilt, sighing.
Is this my fault?
He looked down.
Of cours it's your fault.
He thought about Harry in the remaining time he had.
In the morning, Louis moved slowly. He felt tired.
He packed his things, heading out. He paused, seeing Harry dissappearing behind a corner.
Weird, this isn't the way to school. Louis thought. He decided he would follow Harry.
He was confused at first. It wasn't normal that Harry skipped class. Why wasn't he going to school?
Soon enough he realized harry was going to school. He was just taking a longer way.
Why though?
Louis started walking faster, seeing that harry was almost gone.
It's so obvious.
He does it to avoid you.
He saw Harry stopping, peeking into the school. It was still early, so Louis sad down on a bench. Ten minutes passed, and Louis walked in. He knew Harry was probably at his locker at the moment, so he walked to his own, that was after Harry's.
He heard a loud, metalic slam.
Louis walked faster, wanting to see what was the source of the noise.
He gasped, seeing Nick shoving Harry at the lockers. Nick was grabbing Harry's wrist hard, pulling him, then shoving him back again.
Louis whinced, thinking about how bad that must hurt. Harry whimpered and tried to pull his hand away.
Nick smirked, twisting it.
Louis couldn't bare it. He stepped in.
"Nick, dude, stop it!"

Warmth - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now