Chapter Three - Pretty Little Liar

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Shit, thought Harry as Louis came closer again.
Harry looked around, looking for a way out, with no sucsess. He was cornered.
"Aw, poor baby," Mocked Louis.
Harry hated it. He hated the way Louis hated him even though he never did anything wrong.
He hated the way Louis tormented him every hour of every day of every week.
He hated the way Louis glowed, the sun peeking through the window. Louis looked like an angel, glowing in gold. Harry was scared that if he touched, some of Louis' gold would fall on his hand. He was magical, he was beautiful.
He was scary.
Harry swallowed, holding the air in. He hoped it wouldn't be as bad this time.
Louis ignored the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, throwing the first punch towards Harry's jaw.
It hit, hard. Harry let the air kept inside his lungs out, shutting his eyes. His hand shot up to the place hurting automaticlly.
Louis smirked, beggining to preform the secong punch, but heard a voice.
"Tomlinson, Styles, what are you two doing outside about..." The teacher looked at her clock. "Ten minutes after class started?" She stepped closer.
Louis immidietly gripped harry's hand firmly, leading him to the teacher. "We're sorry, Ms. Roberts, I was just helping Harry. He fell down the stairs and hit his jaw. Is that right, Harry?" He pressed hard on Harry's hand, Harry nodding franticlly.
"Are you okay, Mr. Styles?" The teacher asked him, Harry nodding again, faking a smile. "Well then, I'll escort you to class." She started walking. "Are you coming?" She asked, not looking back.
"Lucky bastard." He wispered in Harry's ear, pressing even harder on his arm.
Harry could feel the bruise forming there.
They reached the door and the teacher knocked.
"Yes?" Mr. Smith, the other teacher, opened the classroom door.
"I believe these young boys are in your class. Mr. Tomlinson helped Harry, because he fell down the stairs. Mind to let them in?"
Mr. Smith smiled, nodding.
Louis and Harry went their seperate ways.
Harry rubbed his arm, seeing the blue starting to appear. His jaw hurt, never the less, but he didn't want to attract attention.
Class ended, Harry walking out first.
The day went by quickly, Harry avoiding Louis several times.
The bell rang, symbolling the end of the day.
Harry walked out, quickly and swiftly.
As soon as Harry got home, he ran upstairs, to the bathroom.
"Harry? Is that you?" His mum asked.
"Yeah, m'here!" He shouted from the bathroom. He closed the door, looking for his mums make up.
He found it, squeezing some out. He covered his bruised arm carefully, flincing at the touch. Then his jaw, gasping in pain two times.
He walked out of the bathroom and into his own room.

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