Chapter Fourteen - Sleeping Is Just Sleeping

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Harry laid on the ground for approximently twelve minutes before feeling a shadow cast upon him, hearing a fremilliar voice say,
"Harry?" Harry looked up. It was Louis. Louis bent down to look at Harry better. Harry was bruised heavily, a few bruises still forming. His breath was shallow and his jaw out of place.

Louis touched Harry's bruised jaw, careful to not hurt the younger lad. Harry, however, flinched with the touch, hissing harshly.

"Who?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head, slowly shifting. "Who?" Louis repeated. Harry wouldn't lie, he was more scared of Louis than he was of Nick.

"Nick," Harry croaked out, finally sitting up. Louis' expression darkened. He got up and dusted his shirt. He walked over to Harry's crutches, grabbing them then walking back to the small shifting figure behind him.
He put the crutches down and helped the boy up.

"Lean on the wall for a sec'," He said, helping Harry over to the slightly stained stone wall. Harry shifted his weight from Louis' shoulder and onto the wall, stumbling a bit but still hanging in there.

Louis grabbed the crutches once again, handing them to Harry. Harry took them blissfully and stabilized himself.

"C'mon. I'll walk you home." Louis stated, trying to keep his voice emotionless. Harry, on the other hand, shook his head no.
"I- I don't want to go home like this..." He motioned his hands to point out his bruises and ripped clothes. "I'd rather just stay somewhere... You can go home, I'll find a place." Harry sighed, starting to turn away.

"What do you mean, a place?" Louis asked. Not going home seemed like a bad idea to Louis.

"I'll just stay out for a while, maybe tell my mum I'm at a friends house. Don't worry, I do this quite a lot." Harry didn't know why, maybe it was the hit to the head he took earlier, or the pain blinding him, but he was sharing far too much information than he would like to.

"What do you mean? Like, staying in a friend's house?" Louis asked.
"No," Harry said. He, obviously, did not have any friends to stay with.
"Well, are you going to stay in the street?" Louis asked sarcastically. Harry nodded. "That's not right, c'mon, I'll take you home." Louis stated, already starting to walk away from the scene.

Harry shook his head once more. Louis sighed before saying, "Fine. You can sleep at my place." Louis said, reminding himself to keep his voice emotionless.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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