Chapter Ten - Frozen Kindness

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Harry was half lying, half sitting. His leg was buried under some wood. His sleeve had some blood on it again. His eyes were prickling with tears.
He looked at Louis with fear and pain in his eyes.

"Please go away..." He said in a quite voice, not able to move anywhere.

"No," Louis said in a rather calm voice, stepping closer. Harry wanted to run away so bad. Louis was standing inches from Harry.

He's gonna beat you. Harry thought. It's too late.

To Harry's surprise, he didn't. He touched the part of Harry's leg that wasn't buried. Harry watched in silence.

"Does it hurt?" Louis asked quitely and looked at Harry. Harry was speechless. He didn't say anything or moved.

"Your leg, does it hurt?"
Harry nodded slowly, unsure of what was going on.

Louis ran a hand through his hair. "Can you move it at all?" He questioned. Harry looked down. A faint "No..." Escaped his mouth. He closed his eyes, letting the breath he didn't notice he was holding out.

Louis moved quickly. He lifted the chunk, his arms shaking from the weight.
Harry's leg looked awful. His pants were ripped, the leg itself twisted, sections of it bleeding. It hurt even more now, being open to the air.

Harry, being free, scooted back using his hands and grabbed his bag. Louis started to put the chunk back.

Harry was attempting to stand up. He managed to balance on mostly one leg.
He looked at Louis again. He was still putting it back. This was his chance to run.

He began stumbling upon one leg. Barely making it to the second meter, Louis laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Where are you going?" He asked. Harry didn't answer. He looked to Louis.
"Uh... I-I'm sorry..." He said in a quite, frightened voice.

Louis chose to ignore the incident and said, "I'm taking you to the hospital. Your leg doesn't look okay." He tried to take Harry's bag, but Harry pulled it back. "C'mon, I'll take it for you." He tried again.

"Don't..." Harry said quitely, fearing that Louis would take it from him and run from there. Louis nodded. "I'll go get my car. Stay here, okay?" He asked, already helping Harry to a bench. Harry sat down, not answering. He was frightened.

Louis started walking back to his house. Harry sat frozen, like a robot. He wanted to go away. He wanted to lock himself in his room and never come out of there. Why was Louis being so... Nice?

Harry couldn't go that far, though.

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