Chapter Nine - Chunks

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Louis saw Harry, his knees were brought to his chest, head half buried in. His eyes were wide, looking down at Louis.
He scooted back, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. The tree house he was sitting in made a creaking sound.

"Harry," Louis said softly. "Get off of there," He said, fearing for the house to break down.
Harry didn't answer. He only scooted back a bit more, eyeing Louis carefully.

Louis stepped closer, reaching forward, causing Harry to flinch back, the tree house making a loud craking noise.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," Louis said in a calm voice.
Harry was sure he was lying.

He just wants to get you. He'll beat you up, like always. You made a huge mistake. He's even more mad than he was.

Harry's thoughts were getting to him. You need to do something. But what?

Louis didn't know what do either. He didn't want harry to fall down, but he also didn't want him to stay there.

"Harry, please, let me help you," Louis said, not daring to take a step forward.
Harry didn't move. He also didn't replay.

There was a minute of silence and fear.

"What... W-What do you w-want?" Harry asked hesitantly, Slowly getting up to stand. The floor creacked again and Harry flinched.

"I want to help you," the floor creacked again, louder this time. "Please," He looked down, then back up when it creacked once more.

"Harry, it's gonna break," His voice was pleading.
"Get down," Louis walked closer quickly.

"No!" Harry flinched back as the floor broke down. "Harry!"

Suddenly Harry found himself sitting under a pile of wood.

His leg hurt like hell. It was pounding. Harry tried to pull it out, but it was no use. His leg was stuck under a large chunk of a wall. His arm was as well, but he managed to pull it out. It was bleeding slightly again.
His bag was thrown about three meters away from him.

"Harry?" Louis' worried voice yelled. Harry bit his lip. He stayed quite, hoping Louis would leave.

The pain in Harry's leg was getting unbearable, and his try to stay quite was soon to fail. He whimpered quitely, him feeling horrible. His head was spinning, he felt like he was having trouble breathing.

Louis walked arpund the big pile. "Harry? Are you okay? Where are you?" He was beyond worried. He was lifting chunks of wood and checking everywhere for Harry. He finally saw him.

Warmth - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now