Scared of The Unknown

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When I tried driving a car for the first time it felt a lot like rocket science to me and I still don't know why I felt so scared. When my dad bought me a car and told me to try it, I ended up hitting a tree with it. I took 3 fine months to recover from that accident while my car took 5.
I then became a bit confident about my driving, until I made my mom ride with me... she kept yelling at me and telling me that I better speed up or slow down on every turn, yet, I knew that she kinda had a point there I was too careless. Then I started going on my own and it felt so good, until one day I lost my way home from college. My car broke down on the road. A man stopped his car and stayed with me until my father came. I left college at 8 pm but got home at 12. I was scared to drive again but my dad encouraged me and told me not to stay afraid. I should take over my fears. And he was right. I took my friends with me for a ride and it felt so great. I was so happy. And now I am eager to drive to new places. This time I'll try it alone and I'll play the radio. And if I get lost again? So what! It'll be so fun. As my close friend says, you need to get out of your comfort zone every once and a while. (:

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