I know a place

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I know a place where being nice is a mistake
And a mask is all that you need to
In order to survive for godness sake!

There's a place where you can fly
But if you fall, you will die,
Because everything is a lie

you can run but you can never hide;
No one will ever be on your side
Better keep everything locked up inside

A place where being wrong is right,
And Everyone is in an endless fight
I Tried to solve it but the rain blinded my sight

If only there was a way out
Anywhere is nice without a doubt
So there's nothing to do but shout!

We shout out of frustration
We shout of lack of communication
We shout for our rights as a nation

Yet, the only voices heard are of
Those who don't know what they're saying
It seems that I can only change the players but never the way they're playing. 

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