Death Wish

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I forgot to turn off the gas.

No, I wasn't trying to kill myself this time,

I also forgot to take my pills,

Now that's a lie, I just hate taking them.

I remembered to come here today though,

I didn't want to, but I came anyway,

No, it wasn't hard leaving the household,

Oh yes, I have a lot of things I want to say.

It started with the thought of how easily I can disappear,

How I possess such power over myself and other creatures,

And destruction takes less effort around here,

At least that's what I've learned from life's greatest teachers

Misery, loss, and grieve, they'll always be there for us,

From them we'll experience life and appreciate it,

No hopeful young hearts would turn to dust,

If these three kept reminding them life isn't perfect

One thing for sure, it isn't for me,

Cause I cannot pretend anymore to feel something,

When all that's in front of me is a dark blue sea,

Guiding me with its waves to clarity and an endless spring.

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