Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Maybe this was it, Valentina thought as she stepped back from the torches they shoved through the holes in the cage.

Maybe this was where she'd meet her end.

Maybe now she would meet her mother again but Valentina knew she was destined for a deeper level of hell than one her mother occupied for committing suicide.

She couldn't help but hiss at the angry villagers who shouted curse words and threw rocks. A few would break her skin but it would quickly heal, draining her of more energy.

She would die in this cage, Valentina thought, covering her head from the heat as the flames burnt her skin.

"Die, devil!" they would scream whilst others recited the Lord's Prayer, flinging holy water on her skin.

Whilst it was irritating it didn't burn and the silly folklore stories humans created to give themselves a sense of security were ridiculous.

She knew her father would be here soon; he could sense her fear and pain.

And no one wanted that.

Reaching for the cage, with the desire to be burnt alive no longer an option, a peasant stepped forward and ran a silver knife through her hand.

Recoiling, she gripped her wrist with her spare hand, staring at her palm in fear as smoke started rising as her flesh was burnt alive. Looking at her pale hand, she started to see tendrils of silver begin to run up her forearm under her skin; heading straight for her unbeating heart.

Screaming, she grabbed the hilt of the dagger and pulled it out before it could infect her further.

Dropping it to the ground, she lifted her head and snapped at the man who threw the dagger; she knew now her eyes were completely taken over. The irises had gone a deep blood red with her mouth opened to reveal the extent of her fangs.

Her nose was crinkled and her brow furrowed as she took on the same face of evil had father had had the same day he turned her.

She was still hissing, her hand not healing, when she felt another vampire approach.

Her body stilled and her mind registered a new threat she didn't recognise; the scent was different whilst still the same as hers and her entire being knew he posed more of a danger to her than a few simple villagers.

The peasants continued their chanting as she turned in a full circle, her eyes scanning the trees as she tried to find the new threat to her existence.

She had just located movement in the tree above her when the figure jumped and ripped the head off a man's shoulders before his feet had even fully touched the ground.

It took nearly a minute for the humans to realise what had happened but mere seconds for them to drop their torches and run, screaming as they went.

Breathing heavy as the silver, as little as it was, affected her weak state, she watched the handsome man move between the leaders of the pack; turning their heads to the sides before drinking his worth.

As her eyelids grew heavy, Valentina couldn't help but think how much she would very like to taste some of that when everything turned black.

It was like dying. As soon as they slept, it felt like they were dead.

Their kind didn't dream and their hearts didn't beat and yet they could awaken at any moment they perceived a threat.

Whether it was a the sound of a footstep down the street which was out of place; the sound of someone opening their front door in the middle of the night or the fact that another vampire had encroached on their territory.

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