Getting Mutated

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F/f/a- favorite furry animal like wolf, cat, anything with ears and a tail.

You were in your room bored to death when you got an idea. Since it was night your brothers and the girls went on patrol. So you did the one thing you never did once when you started staying with your brothers. You went to go mess around in Don's lab.

When you went in you saw that greenish blueish liquid stuff that Don said to never touch. Now your curiosity got the best of you. So you went closer to the mutagen and opened it. "How bad can this be. Maybe it'll make me grow bigger faster." You said then you poured it on yourself. Next thing you knew you were in a blinding pain. Soon you blacked out.

*time skip*

When you woke up you saw all your brothers and their girlfriends standing over you with wide eyes. "What?" You asked. But your voice sounded different and more mature. "Am I bigger?!" You asked excitedly. Don handed you a mirror. "Um... Yes you are older but..." He trailed off. You looked in and gasped.

"No. No no no no!!!" You yelled. You were part human and part (f/f/a). "W-what happened to me!!??" You were about to have a break down but the girls calmed you down. "Well by the look of it you were mutated. And you are now 16." Don stated. Your mouth was hanging open.

"Does that mean...... I'm technically.... One of you but... A different animal mixed with human?" You asked. "Yeah." Don said. "That. Is. So. COOL!!!!" You yelled happily hugging them all. They hugged you back smiling.

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