Seeing Double and Getting in Trouble

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Sutton stood frozen as the realization of just who she had been saved by sunk in.

"Come on-" came the voice on her left again.

"-Filch knows these secret tunnels too-"

"-Wouldn't do to get caught!"

She found herself suddenly being ushered down a series of tunnels and away from the dead end hall she'd been trapped in.

Before she could formulate a solid protest, they were out of the tunnels and emerging near the Great Hall. Out in the light, Sutton whipped around to face her saviors.

"Oh boy."

Either her vision was going wonky, or there were two of them.

The Weasley twins.

They were younger than her, obviously, but taller than her still. Which, admittedly, wasn't that much of an accomplishment, but it was still something she noted. Their hair was shorter, and a vibrant red, and they definitely had more freckles than the actors that portrayed them.

Her lower jaw hinged open and closed a few times before she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.

"You're still in school?"


"Should we not be?"

Sutton cringed and refrained from smacking herself in the face.

"Er, uh, of course, I just meant, uh, I thought you were someone else? How did you two find me, anyway?"

Sutton didn't Miss how one of the twins, she wasn't quite sure which was which, patted at his robe subtly. They had the Marauder''s Map, she was sure.

"We've got ways," said one of the twins.

"The real question is, who are you-"

"-and what are you doing here?"

"You're definitely not Hogwarts age."

Were they saying she looked old! She could probably still play a high schooler on some teen drama if she wanted to!

But a solid answer was evading her completely. Luckily one of the twins looked up suddenly towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"Come on, we're going to Miss the rest of breakfast!"

And without any warning, Sutton felt a hand around her wrist and found herself being forcefully towed into the cafeteria space.

She could actually feel the blood draining from her face.

"Oh, no, no, no!"

But it was too late. Sutton found herself being dragged to the Gryffindor table and sat down promptly between the twins.

"Go on, then."

"Dig in."

"It's good stuff."

"But the smell of your robes is spoiling it a bit."

The smell of warm breakfast, ignoring her tunic, was a very tempting motivator, and she was too terrified to dare looking up at the professor's table. She was hunched over the table, trying in vain to make herself as small as possible. As if her beige tunic wasn't a bright beacon among a sea of black. The children around the table were giving her odd looks which only made her blush harder.

"Oi, who's your new mate?"

"And why isn't she in uniform?"

Sutton shoveled an entire scone in her mouth and sunk down further.

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