Chapter 1

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Planet-wide jungle. Unbearable humidity. Luke Skywalker on one side. Kylo Ren on the other. The only thing thicker than the air was the tension that radiated off of them and hung in the boundaries between.

"You choose such odd meeting places, Uncle," Kylo's distorted voice sounded from his helmet and echoed in the nearby trees. He had been tracking his uncle for months, trying to finish his grandfather's forsaken mission of eliminating every Jedi in existence.

"Well, I would have found a 5-star resort, but there wasn't one around when I checked. I do apologise for my lack of hospitality, but I'm sure you can understand when you take into consideration that you're trying to kill me." Luke may have aged, but he still had a sarcastic streak about him.

"I always did admire your wit, Uncle," Kylo stepped closer to the Jedi master and took his helmet off, tossing it aside, revealing his scarred face.

"I would have hoped you admired more than just that," Luke said, mirroring his nephew's actions by taking a step closer.

Each man's hands closed around their lightsabers, switching them on. The glow seemed more immense thanks to the water that seemed to be hanging in the air as droplets. The steam warped the faces of the two men as they held eye contact and moved closer.

Kylo struck first, raising his lightsaber above his head and bringing it around to the right. Luke blocked it and returned the blow, aiming for Kylo's right arm. Kylo skilfully dodged it, glaring at Luke through light brown orbs of hate. Back and forth, defence and offence, the two men struggled for the upper hand, trading places every several attacks. The blue and red light mixed together in flashes, and sparks seemed to fly with every hit. The men were sweaty from the humidity and determined to complete their separate agendas.

The fighting came to a sudden halt when they were pulled apart and brought to their knees. Neither of them could move. They were still, as if the Force was holding them frozen in a moment in time. Their lightsabers gleamed but no longer moved. They still breathed and looked around, but try as they might, they could not break free. Their curiosity piqued as a quiet, feminine laugh resonated from every direction.

After a few moments of confusion, the source of the power emerged from a dark cave nearby and strode to the edge of the small clearing. She was small, no taller than General Organa. Her average build was covered with a long, sleeveless black dress that nearly reached the ground. Around her waist was a thick white belt with a red buckle, and on her shoulders hung a silver-lined, black cape that glinted in the dim light as if it were made of silk. Although a piece of fabric covered her nose and mouth from sight, her large dark brown eyes sent mysterious glances to the men under her control. Her arms, wrapped in black cloth from fingers to biceps, were extended from her body. Her petite hands and bright red nails were loosely spread, commanding the unmatched power that held the two fully trained men on the ground.

"Luke Skywalker," she said, her voice smooth, confident, and unafraid. Her eyes peered at him with hatred from over her cloth mask. "and Kylo Ren." Her eyes softened as they met the chestnut ones belonging to the man in black. "I always knew I'd meet you both again someday, but I assumed it would be under different circumstances." Her hands settled by her sides, but the Force holding the uncle and nephew remained strong and unbroken. "I shouldn't have to introduce myself, you can call me the Countress. You haven't heard from me in a long time." Luke tried not to show his recognition. "You could say I've been saving my energy for this very moment: the moment I meet the two greatest Force-users to ever live. The moment I begin my fight for the galaxy. I guess you've already found out that I'm just as powerful as both of you, so suppose the current question is which of you will have my powers as an ally." Her eyes were more than enough evidence of the villainous grin that was hidden behind her mask.

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